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05-23-2019, 12:12 PM
Military press x 6 sets
Barbell shrugs x 3 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets

Olympic bar curls x 5 sets
Cambered bar curls x 5 sets
Preacher curls x 5 sets

Dead hangs x 4 sets

05-24-2019, 06:40 AM
Good back workout yesterday. Able to do about 70% of the weight I was up to before my neck issues.

Wide grip pulldowns
Narrow reverse grip pulldowns
Narrow grip seated rows
Dumbbell rows

First time in a long time I ran a full 3.1 miles. Pace was just over 7mph too. :noon

05-24-2019, 07:53 AM
Glad you got a good one, Bob. :tu

Legs and cardio for me today.

05-25-2019, 07:25 AM
Squats x 5 sets
Hamstring curls x 5 sets
Quad extensions x 5 sets

PreCor bike 65 minutes Level 4, 18.2 miles 603 calories

05-25-2019, 09:50 AM
Leg day for me as well.

Leg press x 8, 4x15 each regular, hamstring focused
Hamstring curls 4x12
Lateral squats 3x12
Calf raises 4x15

Best workout in months. Getting back to my old self.

05-25-2019, 12:23 PM
Great news, Bob! :tu :ze


30* inclines x 4 sets
Leverage vertical bench x 4 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Declines x 4 sets
Dips x 4 sets
Dead hangs

05-26-2019, 06:58 AM
Was bored last night and got a second wind, so went to the gym again. ICS.

Icarian press
30° incline
45° incline
Low cable flys
Seated flys

Power went out on my second to last set of seated flys. We had some strong storms move through, but that was hours earlier. Just enough ambient light left to get the last set in.

05-26-2019, 08:55 AM
Doublin' up! Nice, Bob, glad you're feeling better and better. :tu

05-26-2019, 04:26 PM
Back day. Felt like I was running on fumes yet still managed an intense workout.

Pulldowns x 4 sets
Olympic bar rows x 5 sets
Dumbbell rows x 3 sets
T-bar rows x 4 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Super wide pulldowns x 3 sets
Dead hangs

05-26-2019, 07:29 PM
Sun wasn’t out, so let’s go build those guns.

Tri pushdowns
Tri overhead extensions
Tri pushdown machine
Drag curls
Seated incline curl drop sets
Hammer curls
Face pulls

Gassed after all the workouts this weekend. Gonna take tomorrow off

05-27-2019, 08:38 AM
Enjoy your day off, Bob, you've earned it.

Maybe just cardio for me today, my shoulders could use a break. We shall see when I get there.

05-27-2019, 05:36 PM
Left the weights for tomorrow.

76 minutes on the top level of the Precor bike. 20.9 miles, 675 calories.

05-28-2019, 01:33 PM
Bis and shoulders

Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Arnold curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets
Seated military press x 6 sets
Military press x 3 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Dead hangs

05-28-2019, 07:23 PM
Back day!

Assisted pull-ups (first time doing those in weeks)
Wide grip pulldowns
Narrow grip rows
Seal rows
High iso rows

Lost power during the middle of the workout. Enough ambient light coming thru the windows to continue. Got kicked out after 1 set of the high rows by the manager. Some bs about liabilities.

05-29-2019, 12:38 AM
That happened to me twice at a hardcore gym years and years ago. Finished my workouts in the dark both times, the owner tried to boot me out the second time but I kept stalling him with bullshit until I was done with my sets.

My current gym (24 hours) locks the doors when there's an outage, but I think it's screwed me up 2 or 3 times in 15 years, so not a big deal.

05-29-2019, 12:13 PM
Who here is a fan or regular user of the Prowler?

That machine can make or break you! Nothing explodes the heart like the Prowler can.

05-29-2019, 02:41 PM
Who here is a fan or regular user of the Prowler?

That machine can make or break you! Nothing explodes the heart like the Prowler can.

Our gym has one, but the area to push it in is way too short to make it worthwhile for me.:(

Legs and some extra chest today. Knew I had to keep leg workout short to not reaggravate my charley horse, so I did a pre-fatigue chest workout after.

Squats x 6 sets
Hamstring curls x 4 sets

Heavy Flyes x 6 sets
Incline bench x 6 sets
30* incline x 3 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Dips x 3 sets

Dead hangs

05-29-2019, 02:58 PM
Ok, what’s a prowler?

Never mind, googled to answer my own question.

My gym doesn’t have one. I’d like to try it though.

05-30-2019, 06:29 AM
This is no joke and seen this happen at our gym. Lean into the prowler too deep and you could be in a bad state...


05-30-2019, 08:27 AM
Sh!t your pants even maybe? :r

Meh...when I was in my late teens and early 20s, we used to do heavy squats for 12-15 sets, then drive to a toboggan hill about 10 minutes from the gym and try to run 10 sprints up the hill. Vomiting, cramping, crying. Most I ever made was 7 before having one of the first two happen....and then the third. :r

05-31-2019, 12:11 AM
Back day....kept it simple since my frequency is elevated, but crushed it.

Bent over rows x 5 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
Wide cable pulldowns x 4 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Pullups x 2 sets

05-31-2019, 08:45 AM
Leg day yesterday.

Leg press x11, 12 if you count warmup set. 3 different foot positions.
Weighted box step ups
Hamstring curls

05-31-2019, 06:08 PM
Lots of presses, Bob, good stuff! :tu

Wanted to hit shoulders and arms today. Everything I needed for shoulders was being used, so it became an arm day. Really tore it up on bis, left me a little gassed for tris but I did ok.

Olympic bar curls x 6 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 3 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Cable extensions x 4 sets

06-01-2019, 11:52 AM
Some chest, shoulder and tris today with my trainer.

Flat bench (plates suspended from bar with bands to not allow my right arm to dominate my left)
Single arm land mine press
Assisted dips
Dumbbell overhead press
Single arm tri pushdowns
Seated front delt raises
Single arm cable cross flys

06-01-2019, 04:24 PM
Shoulders and legs today.

Seated military x 8 sets
Barbell shrugs x 5 sets
Rear delt flyes x 5 sets

Leg press x 8 sets
Hammie curls x 5 sets
Hack squats x 5 sets

Tomorrow will be cardio for a day off from the weights.

06-02-2019, 03:37 PM
Cardio and core

80 minutes of Precor interval bike, 22.75 miles and 750 calories.

ICM tomorrow...I hate when chest day falls on Monday. :(

06-03-2019, 03:33 PM
Good back/bi workout today with my trainer. Full hour this time.

Neutral grip seated rows
Low cable rows
Seated shrugs
Close grip pulldowns
ISO high rows
Zottman curls
Cable curls

06-03-2019, 04:44 PM
Good deal, Bob, sounds like things continue to improve? :tu


Super wide incline bench x 7 sets
Vertical bench x 5 sets
Decline x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Precor press x 3 sets
Dips x 2 sets
Dead hangs x 3

06-03-2019, 08:23 PM
Damn Tom, that’s a lotta sets. :tu

Yea, I’m getting close to my old self.

06-04-2019, 09:03 AM
Damn Tom, that’s a lotta sets. :tu

Yea, I’m getting close to my old self.

Great to hear, Bob!

I work so fast on chest, I guess I get in a lot more sets than I realized. :r

06-04-2019, 02:39 PM
Back day, went volume/reps, with just enough rest between sets to barely catch my breath. 15-20 reps per set.

T-bar rows x 8 sets
Barbell rows x 6 sets
Dumbbell rows x 4 sets
Wide pulldowns x 5 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
One arm cable rows x 3 sets

Cripes, more sets than yesterday. :r

06-05-2019, 01:21 PM
Arm day, couldn't get at any shoulder racks again. :hn

Cambered bar curls x 5 sets
Arnold curls x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets

Skullcrushers x 5 sets
One arm extensions x 4 sets
Cable pushdowns x 3 sets

06-06-2019, 04:03 PM
Shoulders and abs today since I couldn't get at shoulders yesterday. Another volume day here.

Military press x 8 sets
Barbell shrugs x 8 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets

06-06-2019, 05:41 PM
Leg day.

Leg press
Walking lunges
Front dumbbell squats
Side lunges
Hamstring curls

06-07-2019, 06:22 PM
Legs and cardio. Heavy legs to keep the set count low before cardio.

Squats x 4 sets
Leg press x 4 sets
Hammie curls x 3 sets
Quad extensions x 3 sets

PreCor bike top level intervals - 85 minutes, 23.5 miles, 767 calories.

06-08-2019, 10:21 AM

Lots of pushing movements today to work the chest, shoulders and tris. Started on dumbbell bench. Moved up to med weight and got a couple reps in and my left side gave out. Backed down and focused on strict form. Trainer had me do a new move to work on rotator cuffs. Straddled the incline bench, with a 2.5lb plate in each hand, elbows out wide. Bring elbows up to parallel to ground, squeezing shoulders together, rotate forearms 90°, then press plates out like an overhead press. Holy hell those lit up the shoulders for such a lite weight.

06-08-2019, 10:24 AM
Good stuff Bob! :tu :ze

06-08-2019, 02:32 PM
ICSat…. No strength whatsoever after the cardio and fast yesterday, so I shortened the rest and upped the reps.

Bench press x 3 sets
30* incline X 4 sets
Incline bench x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Dips x 3 sets
Extreme chest stretch x 2
Dead hangs x 3

06-08-2019, 03:03 PM
Nice work Tom! :tu

06-09-2019, 10:17 AM
A pull kinda day.

Wide grip pulldowns
Narrow grip rows
Hi iso rows
Dumbbell rows
Ez bar curls
Hammer curls

Tried Project 1 pre workout from 1stPhorm. Damn it had me jacked. Was running on maybe 5 hours sleep. Woke me right up. Would’ve done more but my neck started bothering me. I really like their stuff, just wish it wasn’t so expensive.

06-09-2019, 05:52 PM
Link for that pre-workout please, Bob? Good work, my the way!

Back and traps today. Low strength again, did volume with pre-fatigue on back.

Cable pulldowns x 6 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets
Barbell rows x 6 sets
T-bar rows x 4 sets
Barbell shrugs x 7 sets
Rear delt flyes x 3 sets
High pulls x 2 sets
Dead hangs x 2

06-09-2019, 06:20 PM
Here you go Tom. https://1stphorm.com/products/pre-workouts/project-1

Their stuff ain’t cheap, but I really like it. They have some killer protein flavors, like ice cream sandwich and chocolate mint. I’ve used all three of their preworkout sand had good results from each.

06-10-2019, 08:35 AM
Thank you Bob! :tu

Shoulders, arms and abs on tap for me today.

06-10-2019, 01:48 PM
Felt a little tug on in the lower abs on my first set of Olympic bar curls, so I went light weight/ high volume for bis, then heavy on delts. Only did presses since I went heavy, and did traps and rear delts yesterday. Skipped abs (because of that tug, I'll try them tomorrow).

Olympic bar curls x 6 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 3 sets
One armed curls x 2 sets

Military press x 7 sets

Dead hangs x 3

06-11-2019, 03:46 PM
Accessory leg movements and cardio

Hack squats x 4 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets
Quad extensions x 4 sets

PreCor bike Intervals 4x1: 90 minutes, 25.1 miles, 806 calories

06-11-2019, 06:38 PM
Leg day for me.

Dumbbell box step ups, using the high box.
Dumbbell hamstring curls
Barbell squats
Hip abductors
Hip adductors

First time doing squats with the barbell in over three months. Felt good. Went lite to get back into the groove and make sure it didn’t mess with my neck. All the other stuff I’ve been doing has helped with flexibility, as that the lowest I’ve gotten into a squat.

06-11-2019, 06:53 PM
Sounds like a good day. Bob! :tu

06-12-2019, 03:39 PM
ICW. Better strength than last time so a little (or more) heavier.

Bench press x 4 sets
30* inclines x 3 sets
Incline x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Precor vertical bench x 4 sets
Dips x 3 sets
Decline bench x 2 sets
Dead hangs x 2

06-12-2019, 06:19 PM
Lotta pushing today.

Arnold press
Incline dumbbell press
Upright rows
Single arm tri pushdowns
Single arm tri extensions

Still learning to temper my frustration with how slowly my neck is healing and how it’s affecting my lifting.

06-12-2019, 11:03 PM
You definitely have that stick-to-it-iveness you need to lift your lifetime, Bob. I hope it keeps improving for you.

My neck has been extra stiff the past few days, probably a combination of the weather and the intensity of my recent workouts. Still kinda sucks though.

Oh well, back day tomorrow. Time to start focusing...or sleeping. :sleep: :r

06-13-2019, 04:27 PM
Short rest / high volume day.

Barbell rows x 10 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets
Pulldowns x 4 sets (2 close grip, 2 super wide grip)
Rear delt flyes x 3 sets
Dead hangs x 2

06-14-2019, 03:32 PM
Shoulders and arms

Seated military press x 9 sets
Barbell shrugs x 7 sets
Rear delt fyles (again, lol) x 4 sets

Preacher curls x 6 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets

Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Pushdowns x 3 sets

37 sets. I'm a moron. :r

06-14-2019, 04:32 PM
Damn Tom!

Back day for me.

Wide grip pulldowns
Med grip seated rows
High single arm cable rows
ISO high rows
Low back extensions
A bit of cardio on the treadmill.

06-14-2019, 05:05 PM
Good work, Bob. :tu I am hoping you did not do 37 sets. :D

06-15-2019, 05:03 AM
Good work, Bob. :tu I am hoping you did not do 37 sets. :D

Nope. 3-4 sets per exercise.

06-15-2019, 08:18 AM
Hit the gym early to do some arms.

Single arm tri pushdowns
Single arm overhead extensions
Skull crushers
Spider curls
Cross body hammer curls
Ez bar curls

Tom, what’s the reason for doing that many sets of one exercise vs the regular 3x12 sets? Just curious.

06-15-2019, 09:26 AM
Hit the gym early to do some arms.

Single arm tri pushdowns
Single arm overhead extensions
Skull crushers
Spider curls
Cross body hammer curls
Ez bar curls

Tom, what’s the reason for doing that many sets of one exercise vs the regular 3x12 sets? Just curious.

At this point you can see I stick to pretty basic lifts. Strength gains are a thing of the past at my age, it's more about retaining all the strength and muscle I have. I don't plan out much of my workout, I kind of go with the flow and see how my body is responding that day, and if it's not, I change the intensity somehow...shorter rest, higher reps, increased sets, varied order....whatever seems to give me the best workout that day.

Maybe I'm just really getting healthy again after my 19 weeks down in 2018, maybe that's why my sets increased lately?

I know I didn't really answer the question. :r I'm going kind of with Arnold's old "instinctive training principles"? Yeah, I'll go with that. :D

06-15-2019, 11:17 AM
I can understand it. Thanks for the explanation. I figure I’ll hit that point soon too. I wish I’d started this at 19 and not 49.

06-15-2019, 03:14 PM
I can understand it. Thanks for the explanation. I figure I’ll hit that point soon too. I wish I’d started this at 19 and not 49.

Wish I knew at 29 what I knew at 49 in the gym though, coulda save myself a lot of unnecessary damage.

Legs today

Squats x 6 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets
Leg press x 4 sets
Extensions x 4 sets

PreCor bike … 95 minutes, 26.7 miles, 891 calories

06-16-2019, 03:10 PM
Leg day!

Bulgarian split squats
Hamstring curls
Hamstring extensions
Hip adductors
Hip abductors
Calf raises
Little bit of cardio.

Asshat on the treadmill next to me sweats all over it, then leaves.

06-16-2019, 03:15 PM
Split squat racist! ;) :r

Great day, Bob!


Incline bench x 4 sets
30* incline x 3 sets
Leverage vertical bench x 3 sets
Dips x 3 sets
Flyes x 3 sets
Precor bench x 3 sets
1 Giant set - Flyes, dips, Precor bench

06-17-2019, 04:20 PM
Bob's off, Huy's MIA, so here is my back workout from today. I decreased rest between every set until I was barely setting the bar down at the end. I was actually fairly gassed after the barbell and T-bar rows. :r

Barbell rows x 7 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
Pulldowns x 4 sets
Cable rows x 2 sets
One arm rows x 4 sets
Dead hangs

06-18-2019, 04:08 PM

Flat bench dumbbell
Incline dumbbell
Seated fly machine
Rear delt flys
Side raises
Upright rows
Plate raises
Some cardio

06-18-2019, 04:48 PM
Nicely done, Bob! :ze :tu

Shoulders and arms here

Military press x 7 sets
Cambered bar curls x 5 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets
Tricep pushdowns x 4 sets
Barbell shrugs x 5 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets

06-19-2019, 04:22 PM
Legs and cardio today. Did 96 minutes on the bike after squats, but my distance and calories burned were both less than when I did 95 on 6/15. Legs were jelly though.

Think I may take tomorrow off completely, no lifting, no cardio. Been a while since I've done that.

06-19-2019, 06:40 PM
You must have buns of steel to sit on the bike that long. :lr

Back day for me.

Bent over barbell rows
Seated rows
Seal rows
Trap bar deadlifts
Ab work

First time doing any deadlifts in months. Didn’t go heavy, but felt good. Easy actually. I’m sure I’ll feel it tomorrow.

06-19-2019, 08:46 PM
Nice job, Bob!

06-21-2019, 12:00 AM
I couldn't take the day off, but I wanted it to be easy(ier) :r

I trained bis and core. I did bis on Tuesday, so I knew this would be a little intentional overtraining. Got psyched and tore it up, hitting cambered bar curls, preacher curls and dumbbell curls. Washing my head should be fun tomorrow (phrasing).

ICF manana.

06-21-2019, 03:29 PM

Wide inclines x 5 sets
30* inclines x 3 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Super wide bench x 2 sets
Decline bench x 2 sets

06-21-2019, 05:10 PM
ICF for me too, plus some arms.

Flat bench dumbbell press
Incline dumbbell press
Seated flyes
Tri pushdowns
Tri overhead extensions
Ez bar curls
Cross body hammer curls

06-21-2019, 05:55 PM
Wish I could still do heavy dumbbell presses, Bob. My shoulders, I just can't get the dumbbells up to the top position anywhere without shrieking. :r Nice workout. :tu

06-21-2019, 06:17 PM
I’m slowly working back up to where I was before. Left arm still dictates how heavy, and how many reps I can get in. Managed 5lbs more (45’s) than earlier this week. Still a ways off from the 65/70’s I was doing before.

06-22-2019, 09:10 AM
As long as you're moving in the right direction it is all good, Bob. :tu

06-22-2019, 10:39 AM
Leg day!

Dumbbell front squats
TRX Hamstring curls
Dumbbell hamstring curls

Did like six or seven sets of squats. Starting to get back up in weight too. Baby steps.

06-22-2019, 05:59 PM
Good deal, Bob. :ze

Shoulders and tris today...was supposed to be back day but my legs felt fatigued so I decided I'd do back Sunday. Also didn't do shrugs today in anticipation of doing back tomorrow, I'll tack them on then.

Seated military press x 8 sets
Machine press x 2 sets
Rear delt flyes x 6 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Extensions x 3 sets

06-23-2019, 08:40 AM
Back day for me.

Wide grip pulldowns
Barbell rows
Seal rows
Straight arm lat pulldowns
High iso rows
3.1 miles on treadmill, 26:10, 410cals. Finally pushed myself to do the full 5k.

06-24-2019, 12:52 AM
Good looking workout, Bob. :tu

I did back as well, short workout, and continued with my overtraining strategy for bis.

Super wide pulldowns x 5 sets
Neutral grip pulldowns x 3 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets

Olympic bar curls x 2 sets
Cambered bar curls x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets

06-24-2019, 04:02 PM
Leg Day. Volume, lots of reps.

Front squats x 6 sets
Leg press x 6 sets
Hamstring curls x 4 sets
Quad extensions x 4 sets

06-25-2019, 03:28 PM
ICT. Pre-fatigued with heavy, high rep flyes, but was able to get my weights and reps on all the pressing afterwards, so a really good day.

Flyes x 4 sets
Wide inclines x 4 sets
30* inclines x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Decline bench x 4 sets
Giant set Flyes- Wide Precor bench - Narrow Precor bench x 1 set

06-26-2019, 02:25 PM

Dumbbell flat bench
Dumbbell incline bench
seated flyes
rear delt flyes
front/side raise supersets

06-26-2019, 03:37 PM
Good deal, Bob!

Back day here:

T-bar rows x 7 sets
Barbell rows x 5 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets
Super-wide pulldowns x 4 sets
Dead hangs

06-27-2019, 04:00 PM
Delts and arms

Military press x 7 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Straight bar curls x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 3 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Tri pushdowns x 3 sets

06-28-2019, 06:16 AM
Missed the gym last night. Didn't get home until 8pm last night. All I wanted to do was crash in my chair with a cigar. I'll make up for it tonight.

06-28-2019, 11:40 AM
Leg day, no cardio.

Leg press x 6 sets
Squats x 5 sets
Hack squats x 3 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets

Thinking about a double tomorrow as I am taking Sunday off.

06-28-2019, 06:34 PM
Nice work Tom. :ze

Back and arms

Barbell rows
ISO high rows
Wide grip pulldowns
Assisted pull-ups
Tri pushdowns
Tri extensions
Tri pushdown machine
21’s modified drop set (heaviest weight you can do 7 full reps, drop 5lbs for top part, drop another 5lbs for the bottom part)

06-29-2019, 08:22 AM
Worked out legs with my trainer. We went to a different location to use their safety bar for squats. He’s not allowed to train customers out of their, so that’s why we worked out together.

Safety bar squats (holy fudge does that work the quads)
Reverse lunges
Lying hamstring curls
Calf raises
Hip adductors

06-29-2019, 09:09 AM
Get a good one in with your trainer, Bob? That sounds like it would be extra motivating?

Going to try to double up chest and back today, we'll see how it feels once I start. Maybe supersets, maybe alternating exercises. I'll play it by ear.

06-29-2019, 09:14 AM
Yea, it was good. Nice change of pace to use different pieces of equipment.

06-29-2019, 09:16 AM
Very good, those are often some of the best workouts. :tu

06-29-2019, 06:12 PM
So I killed it today with an alternating body part workout, chest and back. By the time I was done with the 35 set marathon, it looked like I stood in the shower with my clothes on.

Vertical bench x 5 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
30* inclines x 4 sets
Barbell rows x 4 sets
Incline bench x 3 sets
Wide pull downs x 3 sets
Flyes x 3 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Precor bench x 3 sets
Pull-ups x 2 sets

Tomorrow is a well deserved day off from everything.

06-29-2019, 06:57 PM
F**cking animal, Tom. :ze

06-30-2019, 11:46 AM
Day 1 of a new program, the AthleanX AX1 workout. More athletic based training than just pure lifting. Gotta switch things up, keep the body guessing.

Spider crawls
Alternating dumbbell press
Rotational shoulder press
Shoulder L raises
Tri pushdowns
Dumbbell external rotation

07-01-2019, 09:29 AM
How did you like the workout, Bob?

I was off from lifting yesterday, but did manage to drink 60% of a bottle of Bulleit Rye myself, so looking forward to the gym in a few. :r

07-01-2019, 10:41 AM
So far so good. Feeling it in the traps from those rotational db presses. Today is foot speed/cardio training with the agility ladder. It's being delivered today, but I'm supposed to go out with a buddy for dinner. Maybe I"ll do it after.

I just noticed too that you changed the thread title. :lr

07-01-2019, 05:31 PM
First zemekone disappeared so we put Huy in the title. Huy has been slacking here (but not at home, with 2 little ones now!), so you get your 15 minutes, or months, of fame. :D

Hangover workout today, wanted to do shoulders and arms but shoulders gassed me enough. Presses were smooth and strong today so I did both standing and seated.

Standing military press x 6 sets
Seated military press x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 5 sets
Barbell shrugs x 6 sets

07-01-2019, 05:58 PM
23 sets?!?! I can see why it gassed ya. My agility ladder came in, but it’ll wait till tomorrow.

07-02-2019, 08:17 AM
23 sets?!?! I can see why it gassed ya. My agility ladder came in, but it’ll wait till tomorrow.

Looking forward to hearing out it goes, Bob!

Nah, the sh!tty food and shitload of bourbon was my downfall. 23 sets is about the least I have done in a while. :r

07-02-2019, 02:53 PM
Arms and core

Olympic bar curls x 5 sets
Cambered bar curls x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 3 sets
Dumbbell curls x 3 sets
Skullcrushers x 5 sets
Tri pushdowns x 4 sets
Dead hangs
Core work

07-02-2019, 06:14 PM
Back and footwork.

Trap bar deadlifts
Assisted chin ups
TRX inverted rows
Dumbbell rows
Straight arm lat pulldowns
Agility ladder footwork. Worked up even a better sweat with that.

07-02-2019, 09:10 PM
Oh I’m gone barely and I get kicked out?!

Just been so busy and haven’t posted here.
The last 3 months have been 2-3x a week only, doing uppers and lowers with 1-2 rest days. Didn’t watch what I put into my body but starting to dial it in.

Back on my normal schedule now. Staci is back to work and mason is back to school, so just 1 kid till dinner time so gives me more time

Monday - legs
Today - shoulders

Seated DB x5
Angled plate loaded press 5x
Seated side delt raise - machine flies 4x
BB upright row 4x

Did some quick tris

Tomorrow is back.

07-03-2019, 06:01 AM
Huy's back! :ze

07-03-2019, 09:20 AM
Huy's back! :ze

:banger -(P :wo

07-03-2019, 05:15 PM
Back day. Took everything nice and sloooow.

pull ups 4x
Standing plate loaded rows 7x
Single DB rows 3x
Seated plate loaded front pull downs 7x
Wide grip pull downs 3x

Ez bar curls
Preacher curls

I’m back bit****

07-03-2019, 05:58 PM
I’ll say you’re back, Huy. Nice job! :ze

Legs day for me.
Barbell squats
Db side lunges
Straight leg deadlifts
Hip thrusters
Ab work

07-04-2019, 08:41 AM
Back for back! :D

Hit chest yesterday, gym was packed so I switched up the order I was going to do things in so there wasn't any waiting.

Vertical bench x 5 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
30* inclines x 4 sets
Decline bench x 4 sets
Precor bench x 2 sets
Dead hangs

07-04-2019, 04:59 PM
Back day, heavy and fast. The gym was packed again, but I was fortunate again not to have to wait between exercises.

T-bar rows x 5 sets
Wide pulldowns x 4 sets
Olympic bar rows x 4 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Rear delt flyes x 3 sets
One arm rows x 2 sets
Smith rack pulls x 3 sets
Dead hangs

07-05-2019, 01:41 PM
(.) (.) day. :D

Dips. Managed a couple unassisted. Getting back close to normal strength.
Dumbbell press
Incline dumbbell press
Hammer strength press
Seated flyes
Cardio, 10 minutes of 20 second sprints/40 second jog. Burned over 225 calories in just that little bit.

07-05-2019, 04:19 PM
Nice day, Bob! :ze :tu

Shoulders and tris here today. Wailed on the presses again.

Seated military press x 5 sets
Military press x 4 sets
Barbell shrugs x 6 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
French curls x 4 sets

07-06-2019, 11:21 AM
Shoulders and tris for me today, working out with my trainer.

Lots of overhead presses and such. Rear flyes, tri cable kickbacks, skull crushers. We focused on seeing if we can “wake up” my left tri.

07-07-2019, 11:05 AM
Wake up, Bob's left tri! :D

Bis yesterday, just crushed out some Olympic bar curls, cambered bar curls and preacher curls.

Legs today. Wheeeee.

07-07-2019, 02:13 PM
Thinking I might go in for some back/bi’s after dinner. Was going to take a rest day, but probably working on the Z tomorrow night.

07-08-2019, 02:00 PM
ICM (I hate when chest falls on Monday). Luckily the gym was pretty empty.

Incline bench
Bench press
Vertical bench / dips supersets
Precor bench / flyes supersets
Decline bench / dips supersets
Dead hangs

Last chest workout for a week with SoCal coming up Thursday.

07-09-2019, 02:59 PM
Upper day. Going light this week. Starting to deload.

Wide grip pull downs 5x
Incline flat bb 5x
DB single rows 5x
Hammer strength press 5x
Cable flies 5x
Seated v grip rows 5x

Didn’t want to hurt my elbow even more so I just did bis

Today was leg day. Ahhhhh

Squats 6x
Seated leg extensions - Bulgarian hack squats 5x
Single leg press 6x
Lying leg curls 10x

All my reps are 8-10.

07-09-2019, 04:08 PM
Good stuff Huy! :tu

Second to last day of training before a 4-5 day break for SoCal. Hit back and shoulders.

Wide pulldowns x 5 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
Barbell rows x 4 sets
Military press (heavy) x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets

Tomorrow is legs and arms, then my only workout will be chasing Huy around the herfs.:D

07-09-2019, 06:00 PM
Back day for me.

Trap bar deadlifts
Assisted chin ups
Barbell reverse grip rows
Dumbbell shrugs
TRX rows
Ab roll outs

07-10-2019, 08:49 AM
Good stuff, Bob!

Heading in for legs and arms shortly.

07-10-2019, 11:40 PM
Kept it short, heavy and sweet.

Squats x 5 sets
Hammie curls x 5 sets
Cambered curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets
Close grip bench x 5 sets
Pushdowns x 4 sets

Yeah, I guess it wasn't all that short. :r

Now either 5 or 6 days off, depending how I feel Monday. Sh*t, that's a long time, I think I'll plan on a Monday lift.

07-11-2019, 06:29 AM
Debating if I should go in today...

Anyway. Upper yesterday but focus a bit more on delts. Hit tris instead of bis.

Also cool, walked into a nutrition shop and talked to the guy about CBD cream. They were all out till next week. The owner gave me his own bottle and said if I like it, come back next week and buy one.

07-11-2019, 07:07 AM
I bought some CBD balm a few months ago. Works well, similar to Bio-Freeze.

07-11-2019, 06:36 PM
Chest and shoulders

Dumbbell press
Incline dumbbell press
Assisted dips
Cable flyes
Overhead press
L shoulder raises
Rear delt flyes

07-12-2019, 04:56 PM
Arms and abs

Cable kickbacks
Overhead tri extensions
Skull crushers
Hammer curls
Ez bar curls
Ab work

07-16-2019, 08:31 AM
Heading back shortly for the first workout in 6 days. Three days of workouts and then another Herf weekend. That's ok, life is short.

07-16-2019, 07:06 PM
Hit up legs with my trainer.

Split leg dumbbell squats
Hamstring curls
Front squats
Leg press finisher, 100 reps @ 270. Took me four sets, with 30 seconds rest in between. Damn the lactic acid build up.
Added a little bike cardio for good measure

07-17-2019, 06:26 PM

Dumbbell press
Incline dumbbell press
Assisted Dips
Seated flyes
Pin press
L shoulder raises
Rear delt flyes
Battle ropes

07-18-2019, 09:41 AM
ICW here too

Incline bench x 4 sets
30* inclines x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 3 sets
Seated military press x 6 sets
Skullcrushers x 3 sets
Pushdowns x 2 sets

07-18-2019, 05:05 PM
Arms today

Tri cable kickbacks
Tri cable overhead extensions
Standing ez bar tri extensions
Tri pushdown machine
Ez bar curls
Dumbbell curls, ran the rack
Hammer curls, ran the rack

07-18-2019, 06:02 PM
Good work, Bob. :tu

Back and bis today. Will try to get up early and get a leg workout in before heading out, but we shall see. ;)

T-bar rows x 5 sets
Wide pulldowns x 4 sets
Barbell rows x 4 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Olympic bar curls x 3 sets
Cambered bar curls x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 3 sets

07-20-2019, 09:42 AM

Trap bar deadlifts
Dumbbell low rows
Dumbbell seal rows
Dumbbell shrugs
Good ol’ fashioned sit ups
Russian twists

Short and sweet. Felt good though. Set a new pr on pretty much everything. Nothing outrageous, but good for me.

07-21-2019, 05:43 PM

Dumbbell bench
Dumbbell incline bench
30° dumbbell bench
Assisted dips, managed a few without assist. Small win.
Seated flyes

Went to work abs again. Got through a set of sit-ups, and my upper abs just cramped up. Talk about pain.

07-23-2019, 09:00 AM
Thanks for keeping it up, Bob. Heading back in today, 3 weeks of training before the next herf excursion. :D

07-23-2019, 08:30 PM
Sorry slacking post.

Went in yesterday for ICD but said naw and hit legs

Fronts 5x6
DB Bulgarian split squats 5x8
Platz hack squats 3x12
Seated extensions 3x12-15

Chest today

Incline bb 5x8,8,8,6,3
Cable flies 5x10
Dips 3x8-12
Hammer strength press 3x10

07-24-2019, 06:36 AM
Not much equipment in my hotel, so I'm sticking to cardio. Finally did a 3.1 mile run yesterday before dinner. Surprisingly not too winded.

07-24-2019, 09:30 AM
Howdy Huy! Howdy Bob!

ICT...dialed back the sets and ramped up the intensity for 1st workout back.

Incline bench x 4 sets
30* inclines x 3 sets
Declines x 3 sets
Vertical bench x 3 sets + 1 giant set
Flyes x 4 sets

07-24-2019, 02:24 PM
Same deal. I guess when I write down my sets here I'll know if I shortened it up. :r

Barbell rows x 5 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
Pulldowns (varied grips) x 5 sets
Cable rows x 5 sets
Dumbbell rows x 3 sets

OK, guess not. :lr

07-25-2019, 09:59 PM
Awesome back day yesterday

Pull ups 7x6-8
Chest supported rows 7x
Plate loaded hi rows 7x
Wide grip pull downs - reverse grip pull down 7x

Shoulders today

Seated DB Arnold 6x-8
Seated side delt raise - plate front raise - machine shoulder press 8x (min rest)
BB upright row 4x

07-26-2019, 08:45 AM
Good stuff, Huy. :ze

Circumstances dictated I take yesterday off. Heading in today, deciding what it will be as I go.

07-26-2019, 09:54 AM
Nice work Huy!

Shoulder/tris this morning with my trainer. Still trying to get my left side to wake up.

Dumbbell overhead press
Close grip push-ups
Side/front raises
Overhead tri extensions
Face pulls
100 rep side raise finisher (5lbs) did it in one set. Shoulders were on fire after that.
5 rounds battle ropes
2 mile run

07-26-2019, 01:32 PM
Good day, Bob! :ze

Military press x 8 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets

Squats x 6 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets
Quad extensions x 4 sets

07-27-2019, 01:20 AM
Cardio day.

Squats - 40 yard KB lunges - 40 yard KB farmers walk - 7 rounds with minimal rest
Lying leg curls - seated extensions - 8 rounds minimal rest
Plate loaded high rows - reverse grip rows - 7 founds minimal rest

07-27-2019, 08:15 AM
Damn, Huy, you're gonna get skinny. ;) :r

Cardio and arm day for me, heading in shortly.

07-27-2019, 07:30 PM
Back and some bi’s today. Not much energy, but pushed through.

Wide grip pulldowns
Narrow reverse grip pulldowns
Seated rows
Dumbbell rows
Dumbbell shrugs
Ez bar curls

07-28-2019, 09:10 AM
Those days are possibly the most important, Bob. :tu

It is International Chest Sunday. I love when it doesn't fall on Monday.

07-28-2019, 03:32 PM
Strong today, went for weight over volume, but still plenty of the latter.

Wide incline bench x 4 sets
30* inclines x 3 sets
Bench press x 2 sets
Inclines x 2 sets
Declines x 3 sets
Flyes x 3 sets
Precor bench x 3 sets
Dips x 2 sets
Dead hangs x 3

07-29-2019, 11:54 PM
Back day, went for high reps and kept the weights static for each exercise.

Bent over rows (Smith) x 5 sets
T-bar rows x 4 sets
Olympic bar rows x 3 sets
Dumbbell rows x 2 sets
Close grip cable rows x 3 sets
Wide grip cable rows x 2 sets
Dead hangs

07-30-2019, 05:04 AM
Nice work Tom!

Limited equipment at my hotel gym, but there's some dumbbells and a bench. ICM baby!

Flat bench x6
incline bench x5
30deg incline X4
upright rows x3
side/front raises x3
rear delt flyes x3

07-30-2019, 07:52 AM
Good job playing the hand you were dealt, Bob. :tu

Shoulders and legs on the agenda today....might split quads and hammies up today and tomorrow.

07-30-2019, 06:48 PM
Military press x 8 sets
Barbell shrugs x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Stiff legged deadlifts x 6 sets
Hamstring curls x 6 sets

07-31-2019, 05:11 AM
Just cardio for me last night. 3.4 miles in 35 minutes. Not my best time, but the hotel gym is like a sauna.

07-31-2019, 08:01 AM
Just cardio for me last night. 3.4 miles in 35 minutes. Not my best time, but the hotel gym is like a sauna.

Kudos for training on the road, Bob.

Quads and arms on deck here.

07-31-2019, 03:45 PM
Squats x 8 sets
Hack squats x 4 sets
Olympic bar curls x 5 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets

08-01-2019, 05:17 AM
I was going to do legs yesterday, but felt a slight pull in my groin. Decided to just take it easy. I'll hit up arms tonight.

08-01-2019, 08:32 AM
Feel better, Bob. :tu

08-01-2019, 03:39 PM

Incline bench x 4 sets
30* incline x 3 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Precor bench x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Decline bench x 3 sets
Dips x 2 sets

08-02-2019, 05:25 AM
Quick arms workout last night.

Tri kickbacks
skull crushers
Narrow grip press
Bicep curls, ran the rack x3.

08-02-2019, 02:41 PM
Back day. Low energy, so why not go heavy? :D :r

Barbell rows x 7 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
Wide pulldowns x 5 sets
Rear delt flyes x 3 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets
Pullups x 2 sets

08-04-2019, 09:03 AM
Shoulders and a little tris yesterday. Cardio too.

Seated military press x 7 sets
Barbell shrugs x 7 sets
High pulls x 3 sets
Rear delt flyes (high reps) x 3 sets
Skullcrushers x 3 sets
Tricep pushdowns x 3 sets

Legs and Bis today

08-04-2019, 12:54 PM
Back and abs yesterday

Forget all I did, was working with my trainer. Focused a lot on the lats. Part of the ab work was weighted knee raise static hold. Those sucked.

08-04-2019, 04:25 PM
Part of the ab work was weighted knee raise static hold. Those sucked.

Indeed. :su :tf

08-04-2019, 05:34 PM
I know I didn’t hydrate enough yesterday. Tromping through the woods all afternoon, sweating my ass off. I did drink a lot, but I guess not enough. Lying on the couch, watching tv last night, I got up and both hip adductors cramped. That hurt like crazy. They’re still a bit sore today. Was going to hit up legs today, but thought better of it.

08-04-2019, 11:56 PM
I hate those cramps in weird areas, Bob, I get some ridiculous ones sometimes too. Hope it's better by tomorrow, and grab some H2O. ;)

Legs and Bis today

Leg Press x 6 sets
Leg curls x 6 sets
Cambered bar curls x 5 sets
Olympic bar curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 3 sets

08-05-2019, 01:13 PM
ICM … shocked I had little to no waiting for any equipment.

Incline x 5 sets
Bench x 4 sets
Decline x 4 sets
Flyes x 3 sets
Vertical bench x 3 sets
Dips x 2 sets
Skull crushers x 4 sets
Pushdowns x 3 sets

08-06-2019, 04:57 AM
Short and quick leg workout yesterday. Since I don't have dumbbells over 50lbs at the hotel, I increased the reps/sets

Dumbbell squats
Reverse Lunges
Calf Raises

Thinking it might be ICT today.

08-06-2019, 08:08 AM
Short and quick leg workout yesterday. Since I don't have dumbbells over 50lbs at the hotel, I increased the reps/sets

Dumbbell squats
Reverse Lunges
Calf Raises

Thinking it might be ICT today.

Enjoy ICT, Bob. Back day for this guy. :ze

08-06-2019, 03:26 PM
High rep voiume day.

T-bar rows x 5 sets
Barbell rows x 5 sets
Pulldowns x 5 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Cable rows x 4 sets
Dead hangs x 3

08-06-2019, 09:23 PM
Sorry, slacking. Just wasn’t in a mood to post.

Chest yesterday
Legs today - wheel chair me

08-06-2019, 11:03 PM
Ya gots lots on your plate, Mr. Nguyen. Glad you're able to get some lifts in.

08-07-2019, 11:23 AM
ICT yesterday.

Dumbbell Flat Bench
30deg incline press
incline press
overhead press
L Shoulder raises

Switching to split shifts today, so I had my morning open. Was going to do at least cardio, but I'm just sofa king sore. Rest day today, then I'll be back at it tomorrow.

08-07-2019, 01:06 PM
Good job training, and listening to your body, Bob. :tu

Shoulders and tris today, repeated a couple tings from the last couple workouts to get a little overtraining in before taking 5-6 days off next week.

Military press x 8 sets
High pulls x 4 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Barbell shrugs x 7 sets
Close grip press x 3 sets
Skullcrushers x 3 sets

Legs and bis tomorrow.

08-08-2019, 04:01 PM
Leg press x 12 sets
Hammie curls x 6 sets
Olympic bar curls x 6 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 5 sets

08-08-2019, 05:37 PM
Jesus, Tom! Have something against the leg press machine? :D

I did a bit of upper body this morning before heading into work.

Skull Crushers
Tri Kickbacks
Bent over one arm Dumbbell Rows
Dumbbell T Rows (best way to describe them)
Incline dumbbell curls
Plus some cardio to start. Wanted 30 minutes on the treadmill, only made it 15. Felt something off in my left foot.

Had another person in the hotel gym this morning too. If she wore anything less, I'd have felt like need to tip her. Trying not to get the creepy old man, as she looked all of 15 tops. Just turned up the volume on my headphones and zoned in on what I was doing.

08-08-2019, 05:44 PM
Stayed in your zoner to prevent getting a boner? :D

I will likely only have one more leg workout before Shack, so I figured I better crush these last 2, Bob. Maybe 12 sets of squats this weekend? :D

08-09-2019, 02:39 PM
ICF - Heavy day

Incline x 4 sets
30* incline x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Declines x 3 sets
Giant set Precor bench - flyes - Precor bench - flyes

08-10-2019, 04:00 PM
Back day. Against my better judgement, I went heavy again. Kicked it. I will likely benefit from the upcoming "Shack-break" in a few days.

T-bar row x 6 sets
Barbell rows x 5 sets
High pulls x 4 sets
Pull downs x 3 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Dead hangs x 2

08-11-2019, 11:57 AM
Leg day!

Front squats
Single leg press
TRX hamstring curls
Calf raises

Still struggling with the front squats. Lats are too tight to allow me to do it elbows up. With crossed arms, I feel like I want to lean forward which of course allows the bar to roll forward. I’ll keep working at it.

08-11-2019, 02:05 PM
Good work, Bob, keep it up on those front squats.

Shoulders and long cardio today. Heavy again, it's a trend until my break.

Seated military press x 6 sets
Barbell shrugs x 4 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
52 minutes cardio (Precor bike)

Legs and Bis tomorrow

08-13-2019, 10:59 AM
ICM yesterday.

Barbell bench
Dips (mananged most without assist, very surprising)
Cable flyes
Low cable flyes
Skull crushers
Tri pushdowns
Modified push-up finisher. Used the dip machine and loaded up some weight to push down for 2x35. Left side still limiting what I can do.

08-14-2019, 06:00 PM
Leg day with my friend Cheri.

Leg press
Dumbbell hamstring curls
Seated hamstring machine
Calf raises

08-15-2019, 06:38 PM
Back and bi’s.

Trap bar deadlifts
Bent over rows
Lat pullovers
Seated incline curls
Hammer curls, run the rack.

08-17-2019, 10:17 AM

Dumbbell press
Incline dumbbell press
Cable flyes
Upright rows
Side/front raises
Rear delt flyes
Face pulls

Interesting week for chest. Earlier in the week, I was able to squeeze out sets of dips unassisted. Today, not so much. I’d get to the bottom and couldn’t get my left side to activate.

08-18-2019, 03:37 PM
Back day.

Wide grip pulldowns
Seated rows
ISO high rows
Straight arm lat pulldowns
Wood choppers
Dead hangs

08-20-2019, 08:50 AM
Thanks for keeping it going, Bob! :tu :ze

7 days off for me, 6 by choice and 1 by circumstance Heading in shortly. Probably ease back in with chest.

08-22-2019, 07:53 AM
Chest Tuesday:

30* inclines x 5 sets
Declines x 4 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Vertical bench x 4 sets

Back Wednesday:

T-bar rows x 7 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Barbell rows x 4 sets
Wide pulldowns x 3 sets

Shoulders and arms today, and legs Friday.

08-22-2019, 09:24 AM
Killing it Tom!

Chest last night

Dumbbell press
Incline dumbbell press
dumbbell flyes
Plate press
Side raises
front raises

08-22-2019, 06:01 PM
Good work, Bob. :tu How's the injury, any improvement this week?

Military press x 5 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Rear delt flyes x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets
Pushdowns x 3 sets
Barbell shrugs x 4 ets
Dead hangs x 3

08-22-2019, 07:44 PM
Yea. Felt better. Was able to up the weights/reps.

08-23-2019, 07:44 AM
Glad to hear it, Bob. :tu

Leg day. Time to get psyched.

08-24-2019, 08:56 AM
Shark pit x 6 sets
Leg Press x 6 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets
Quad extensions x 4 sets

50 minutes cardio.

ICS today. :ze

08-24-2019, 09:00 PM
Heavy day

Bench press x 4 sets
30* inclines x 4 sets
Vertical inclines x 4 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Declines x 4 sets
Dead hangs

08-25-2019, 01:53 PM
Back day. Heavy again. Felt super strong.

Barbell rows x 6 sets
T-bar rows x 5 sets
High pulls x 3 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Super wide pulldowns x 3 sets
Dead Hangs x 2

08-25-2019, 07:55 PM
Back day tomorrow, tri’s still recovering but time to suck it up. Ya’ll have a great week! Dead lifts tomorrow morning.

08-26-2019, 08:28 AM
Have fun with the dead lifts, Ed. ;)

Arms and shoulders today...the calm before the squat storm tomorrow. :r

08-26-2019, 07:02 PM
Throwing in bis with legs tomorrow. Didn't have a lot of gas today.

Military press x 7 sets
Barbell shrugs x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 5 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Pushdowns x 3 sets

08-27-2019, 05:36 AM
I've been slacking lately. Was supposed to workout last night with my trainer, but my stomach had other ideas. Tonight would be my normal night, but I have to work late. :fp

Tomorrow I'll be back at it.

08-27-2019, 08:30 AM
You'll get it, Bob. I gotcha in the meantime. :ze

08-27-2019, 07:14 PM
Thanks Tom. Work screwed me tonight, so I’m working late again tomorrow.

08-27-2019, 10:39 PM
Frustrating when you're hungry to train and work pulls audibles. Hope you can get back later this week.

Another pretty heavy day, feeling it tonight.

Squats x 5 sets
Leg Press x 5 sets
Hammie Curls x 4 sets

Cambered bar curls x 5 sets
Straight bar curls x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 3 sets
Olympic bar curls x 2 sets

Close grip bench x 5 sets
Skullcrushers x 4 sets
Extensions x 3 sets

Think tomorrow is going to be a cardio and core day, I'm ready for a day off from lifting.

08-28-2019, 05:51 AM
Holy shite. That's like two workouts in one. :ze

08-28-2019, 06:56 PM
Holy shite. That's like two workouts in one. :ze

Yeah, that was a shitload of sets, Bob, I was working fast so it didn't seem so at the time … but when I looked at it typed here.... well, I'm a masochist. :r

Skipped the weights and did 55 1/2 minutes of hills on the Precor bike, then hit the abs and stuff.

ICT tomorrow.

08-29-2019, 06:51 PM
Power of 3 chest day. Two heavy sets and a lighter one.... or 3 heavy sets with the third being a drop set*.

Incline bench x 3 sets
Bench press x 3 sets
30* incline x 3 sets*
Decline press x 3 sets
Flyes x 3 sets*
Precor vertical bench x 3 sets*

08-29-2019, 08:09 PM
Nice Tom. Work had me tied up late, so again no gym for me. Maybe Sunday or Monday when I get back into town.

08-30-2019, 07:24 AM
Nice Tom. Work had me tied up late, so again no gym for me. Maybe Sunday or Monday when I get back into town.

I know that can be frustrating, Bob, hope you're able to hit it as soon as possible.

Back day for me, going to try to get in early so I don't have to rush too much.

08-30-2019, 06:45 PM
Volume day for back, moderate weight and super high reps

Pulldowns x 5 sets
T-bar rows 5 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
High pulls x 3 sets
Barbell rows x 4 sets

09-01-2019, 05:29 PM
Heavy day yesterday, shoulders and arms.

Military press
Rear delt flyes
Arnold curls
Olympic bar curls
Preacher curls
Skull crushers
Tri extensions

09-01-2019, 06:52 PM
Finally remembered how to get my butt to the gym. Had to follow the breadcrumbs.

Dips x5 (unassisted :wo)
Dumbbell press x5
Incline dumbbell press x5
15° incline x4
Seated flyes x4
Rear delt flyes x3
Upright rows x3

09-01-2019, 10:53 PM
You earned your breadcrumbs, Bob. :tu

09-02-2019, 01:23 PM
Back day. Worked out with a old hockey buddy that happened to stop by.

Wide grip pulldowns
Straight arm lat pulldowns
Single arm cable rows
Laid back rows
Seated rows

09-02-2019, 03:34 PM
Hockey buddies rule.


30* inclines x 3 sets
Bench press x 3 sets
Superwide incline x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Veritcal bench x 4 sets
Decline x 3 sets
Dead hangs

09-02-2019, 06:11 PM
That they do Tom. He showed me a few variations on the movements I’m used to doing. He’s been working out for 30+ years, and was the one who hooked me up with my trainer. We used to call him “Fabio” back when we played, cause he had long hair (former guitar player), and was swole. Lol.

09-03-2019, 08:43 AM
Nice! :r

Back day for me coming up. Getting my Bulletproof coffee in me to get primed.

09-03-2019, 05:53 PM
Leg day! Oh it’s gonna hurt tomorrow.

TRX hamstring curls
Kettle bell side lunges
Hamstring curls
Single leg press/calf raises supersets

09-04-2019, 08:33 AM
Great leg day, Bob! :tu


T-bar rows x 6 sets
Wide pulldowns x 4 sets
Barbell rows x 4 sets
High pulls x 3 sets
Rear delt flyes x 3 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets

Leg day today, wish me strength. :r

09-04-2019, 11:31 PM
Legs and bis

Squats x 5 sets
Shark pit x 4 sets
Leg press x 4 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets
Quad extensions x 4 sets

Olympic bar curls x 4 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 3 sets
Tricep extensions x 5 sets

09-05-2019, 06:11 AM
Ok, learning more every day when I read your posts Tom. What's the "shark pit"?

Arms and abs today with my trainer. I wonder what hell he's come up with today.

09-05-2019, 06:41 AM
Ok, learning more every day when I read your posts Tom. What's the "shark pit"?

Arms and abs today with my trainer. I wonder what hell he's come up with today.


Have a good workout today, Bob. :tu

Shoulders and some stretching, core and maybe even a little back (volume) for me today....then 3 days off. Last "planned" break until late October.

09-05-2019, 02:05 PM
Military press
Rear delt flyes
Barbell shrugs / Bent over rows Supersets
Seated military press
Wide vertical rows
Core / Stretching

09-05-2019, 07:15 PM
Arms and abs, with my trainer.

Close grip press
Barbell curls, last set was a quad drop set, taking 10lbs off each time as I reached failure.
Leg/knee raises, with a 10lb plate static hold for 10 seconds.
Close grip pushups/planks. Started at 1 rep/1 second hold, increase each by 1. Up to 10.
Seated 21’s, regular/hammer/drag curls
Ab roller

Used the fat grips on the barbell curls. Fried the forearms on those.

09-08-2019, 04:00 PM
Train over the weekend at all, Bob?

I'll be back at it tomorrow after a 3 day herf break.

09-08-2019, 06:51 PM
Yea, got into the gym yesterday with my trainer.

Flat bench
Incline bench
Dumbbell flyes
Ez bar cheater curls, went heavy on those. Controlled negative.
Seated incline curls
Low cable flyes

09-09-2019, 08:03 AM
Good stuff, Bob! :ze

Heading in for ICD....Damn, it's Monday.:bh:hn:r

09-09-2019, 06:14 PM
Back and tris today, with my trainer. Still have a few sessions in the bank.

Trap bar deadlift. Felt easy today.
Inverted rows
Negative focused chin ups
Straight arm lat pulldowns
Close grip barbell bench
TRX overhead extensions
Reverse grip tri pulldowns

09-09-2019, 09:59 PM
Good stuff, Bob. :tu

I hit chest relatively heavy for first day back.

Super wide inclines x 5 sets
Vertical bench x 5 sets
Declines x 3 sets
Flyes x 3 sets + 1 drop set
Precor bench x 2 sets + 1 drop set

09-10-2019, 06:02 PM
Back and traps....heavy again.

Bent over rows x 6 sets
Wide pulldowns x 4 sets
T-bar rows x 4 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets
Barbell Shrugs x 4 sets
Dead hangs

09-11-2019, 03:33 PM
Military press x 8 sets
Machine press x 2 sets
Skullcrushers x 5 sets
Extensions x 3 sets

Volume (high rep) day, tomorrow is bis and legs.

09-12-2019, 05:42 PM
Leg press x 6 sets
Squats x 4 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets

Olympic bar curls x 5 sets
Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets

09-13-2019, 06:16 AM
Incredible back day. Somewhat in a hurry since I likewise needed to go to karate, however regardless I figured out how to get past everything. Utilizing the T-Bar Row Machine with 4 plates now for 6-8 reps, multiple times - Very glad about that.

09-13-2019, 08:05 AM
Good stuff, Rollins88! :tu :ze

Supposed to be an off day, but I have juice, so it's ICF.

09-13-2019, 11:29 AM
Heavy, low sets, high intensity day.

30* inclines x 3 sets
Bench press x 3 sets
Incline bench x 4 sets
Precor vertical bench 1 set + 1 drop set
Flyes 2 sets + 1 drop set
Dips x 3 sets

09-13-2019, 12:10 PM
Been another crazy work week. Haven't been to the gym since Monday. Gonna remedy that today.

09-13-2019, 03:37 PM
Lit up my shoulders today.

Land mine press
Overhead press
Side raises
Rear delt flyes
Ab work

09-13-2019, 10:39 PM
Glad you were able to get one in, Bob. :tu

09-14-2019, 10:43 AM

Banded squats, last set was with about 335 combined at the top. Getting my cns ready for heavier weights.
Walking lunges, holding a 45lb plate above my head.
Hip adductors

09-14-2019, 12:46 PM
Good and smart training, Bob. :tu

Decided to go super high reps / volume for back today. Hit between 100-125 reps on each exercise.

Barbell rows
T-bar rows
Wide pulldowns
High pulls
Cable rows

09-14-2019, 07:18 PM
Killing it Tom!

09-15-2019, 08:24 AM
Killing it Tom!

Feeling it, Bob. ;) :r

Shoulders and arms today, saving legs for UGH Monday.

09-15-2019, 06:02 PM
Only shoulders, I'll put bis with legs tomorrow.

Seated military press x 9 sets
Barbell shrugs x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Dead hangs

09-16-2019, 06:07 PM
Front squats x 5 sets
Shark pit x 5 sets
Quad extensions x 5 sets
Hammie Curls x 5 sets

Change of plans, arms tomorrow. Too gassed after squats. :r

09-17-2019, 02:10 PM
Wasn't feeling it today. Skipped arms, I'll throw them in with chest and back next cycle.

09-17-2019, 02:27 PM
You’ve been hitting it hard, Tom (phrasing?). I’m headed in shortly for a chest/tri session with my trainer.

09-17-2019, 02:28 PM
You’ve been hitting it hard, Tom (phrasing?). I’m headed in shortly for a chest/tri session with my trainer.

Tear it up, Bob! (phrasing?) :D

09-17-2019, 07:00 PM
I tried to tear it up, but the place was packed tonight. Couldn’t get on a flat bench for presses.

Dips, really exaggerated the negative.
Incline dumbbell press
Incline dumbbell flyes
Push-ups, using those hand grip thingies. :D
Ab work
Ez bar drag curls
Cross body hammer curls

Really focused on full stretch on the chest exercises. Had a nice pump after. Upper chest is developing nicely.

09-18-2019, 09:42 AM
Most excellent, Bob! :ze

ICW coming for me (phrasing), with some tris thrown in for make-up / good measure.

09-18-2019, 02:46 PM
Absolutely awesome pump today.

Incline x 3 sets
30* incline x 3 sets
Incline x 1 set
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Decline bench x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Precor bench x 2 sets
Dead hangs

09-18-2019, 03:47 PM
Absolutely awesome pump today.

Incline x 3 sets
30* incline x 3 sets
Incline x 1 set
Vertical bench x 4 sets
Decline bench x 3 sets
Flyes x 4 sets
Precor bench x 2 sets
Dead hangs


09-18-2019, 05:15 PM

I'm still pumped 5 hours later, Bob. :lr

09-19-2019, 07:56 PM
Went in late today (thanks work). Didn’t eat much before so there wasn’t much gas in the tank.

Wide grip pulldowns
One arm rows
Straight arm lat pulldowns
ISO high rows

09-19-2019, 08:09 PM
Way to power through it, Bob. :tu

Back day today, prefatigued with cables before hitting heavy rows.

Wide pulldowns x 5 sets
T-bar rows x 4 sets
Barbell rows x 5 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets
Cable rows x 3 sets

09-20-2019, 06:07 PM
Shoulders and tris today.

Overhead press
Land mine press
Lateral raises
Rear delt rows
Tri pushdowns
Tri overhead extensions
Tri pushdown machine

09-21-2019, 08:37 AM
Nice, Bob, going to hit shoulders and arms today too.

Yesterday's quick leg workout:

Squats x 5 sets
Leg Press x 5 sets
Hammie curls x 4 sets
Hack squats x 4 sets

09-21-2019, 04:03 PM
All the racks and benches were taken for a bit when I got to the gym, lotsa people I don't know. Weird. Started with bis and did shoulders after.

Cambered bar curls x 4 sets
Olympic bar curls x 3 sets
Preacher curls x 4 sets

Seated military x 6 sets
Rear delt flyes x 4 sets

Skull crushers x 4 sets
Tri extensions x 3 sets

Dead hangs x 3

09-22-2019, 11:06 AM
Had another leg day with my trainer yesterday. Legs are nice and sore today.

Front squats
Hamstring curls
Calf raises