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kgoings 05-03-2011 01:27 PM

Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
:r We shall see how long this lasts! I need to lose weight and get a bit more healthy...may cholesterol is around 300 but my blood pressure is 109/67. I am currently weighing right at 205lbs (5'8"). I started Insanity on! I did P90X but it didn't last, I just didn't like it. I like Insanity much more. No weights no nothing just workout. Need the Asylums help to keep me going! I will post my weight at the end of each week. Need to get my Cholesterol down and doc says the majority of it he thinks is my weight.

This is me now :su


Gophernut 05-03-2011 01:31 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Good luck Kirk. I recently have lost 40 pounds, and my wife and I just started training to run in our first 5K in June. My blood pressure is down, by diabetes is under control, and I haven't needed to take as much acid reflux meds as I used to! It's definitely worth it!

Chainsaw13 05-03-2011 01:50 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Good luck with the weight loss Kirk. I'm going through my own journey so I know the pain.

Sled Dog 05-03-2011 01:53 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Keep with it, the reward is worth the struggle. I was 224 on 3/27, this morning, 207. Good luck, it enhances every part of your life!

kgoings 05-03-2011 01:59 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk

Originally Posted by Sled Dog (Post 1252996)
Keep with it, the reward is worth the struggle. I was 224 on 3/27, this morning, 207. Good luck, it enhances every part of your life!

Are you doing insanity?? Or just dieting?

Adriftpanda 05-03-2011 02:08 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Good luck with this, Kirk.

My program should be arriving any day now, it could even be in the mail. My girl and I are going to do it. I'm really excited for this at the same time scared.

maninblack 05-03-2011 02:10 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Best of luck Kirk!!

Eleven 05-03-2011 02:14 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
My wife does Insanity, I am still too out of shape to try that. I did however start using MyFitnessPal on my Droid to track my calorie intake and that alone has allowed me to drop almost 15lbs in less than 2 months.

I'm still not ready for Insanity, but I am starting the Jackie Warner Power Circuit Training on the recommendation of a fellow Hockey Dad.

Good luck to you!

MurphysLaw 05-03-2011 02:32 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Good luck...I've been thinking about re-starting Insanity, I made it about a month in before life knocked me down a peg, guess I need a little kick in the pants to get moving again

Sled Dog 05-03-2011 02:55 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 1252999)
Are you doing insanity?? Or just dieting?

The past month I was doing P90, but Insanity is a great program that looks like it will deliver. It was more or less just encouragement to stay on the program, interval training kicks your butt, but it really works.

kgoings 05-03-2011 03:00 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk

Originally Posted by Sled Dog (Post 1253039)
The past month I was doing P90, but Insanity is a great program that looks like it will deliver. It was more or less just encouragement to stay on the program, interval training kicks your butt, but it really works.

Are you doing the Nutritional portion or just the workouts??

smelvis 05-03-2011 03:10 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Good Luck
I lost right at 50 lbs lately and still have a few to go, I am now going by belt and how the cloths fit and not so much the scale. keep it up!!


shilala 05-03-2011 03:32 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Kirk, we have a weight losing thread that's a couple years old.
Everyone checks in pretty regular and it's a lot of help. Main thing is we stick to it and there's always support. Stop by, man. :tu

TBone 05-03-2011 05:15 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Well I've gained about 30 pounds lately due to new medicine I'm on so if anyone of you want it back don't hesitate to ask for it...good luck in your desired programs.

kaisersozei 05-03-2011 07:51 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Kirk, good luck with Shaun T! I finished up 60 days in February and I'm now on Week 5 of a P90x/Insanity hybrid. Hit me up if you have any questions or want to talk--it's rigorous, but it definitely delivers huge gains in cardiac health. Didn't lose much weight, but my resting HR hasn't been this low since high school track 30 years ago. :ze

kgoings 05-04-2011 11:12 AM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Day three, I am really sore but I did it. I am going Golfing Friday with 14holestogie...hopefully I can move enough to swing the club! :r

Remo 05-04-2011 11:20 AM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Good luck Kirk :tu getting healthier is always a good thing, stick with it!!

kgoings 05-05-2011 08:07 PM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Another day! Today was 'recovery day' RIIIIGHT mostly Yoga...that crap is hard!

I've been eating better, last night I went to Applebees and tried the guilt free menu, VERY good! And tonight I tried Taco Bells's diet menu..the Tacos were very good the burrito is filled with lettuce and tomato and not enough meat...all you tasted was tomato. Another friend at work is dieting too so we are going around trying the diet menus

hammondc 05-06-2011 06:50 AM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Yep. Recovery is almost as hard. I have been doing it for about 6 months now. It WILL get easier. Just stay with it and do not skip days. You won't believe how much progress you will lose if you skip a day. Stage 2 is really where the craziness starts.

The upper body weights workout is great too, if yours came with it.

kgoings 05-06-2011 07:19 AM

Re: Losing weight Insanity style with Kirk
Yup it came with the upper body.

Pure Cardio this morning...phfew! I got up early to do my workout so I could go golfing with 14holestogie. Made for a short night since I get home from work at midnight

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