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Robulous78 01-23-2013 03:35 PM

6.5 Lbs...
So I don't know how I really feel about this but ever since I read NuRon's Thread on his weight loss I decided I would give things a go and see what happens...

well 10 days in, on a full salad and 2 MetRx Meal replacement bars a day diet and I have lost a whopping 6.5 lbs... Somewhat underwhelming... But then again with no change in exercise I guess this is ok... I wouldn't mind adding an exercise component to this but I have a tough time with most regiments because of my size or because of Time... Anyone know anything simple I can do that isn't overly strenuous?

Maybe I should start at the beginning, I started at 331bs and am now to 324.5... Its my goal to get to 270 or 250 by the end of the year... diet has got to be my biggest issue... Followed by my weird work hours and lack of a physically demanding job... More or less I just wanted to see what has worked for the rest of you guys and what you would recommend for someone that is more or less a beginner on the whole "health-consciousness" scene...

Thanks Fellas.... :tu

The Poet 01-23-2013 03:38 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Good luck. :tu 300+ is not a good thing, unless you're an offensive lineman.

Ubiquitous 01-23-2013 04:46 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Hey brother, keep up the hard work. If you want any advice or help. let me know. In my line of work, I have to maintain a strict weight standard, and stay healthy. I may not have all the answers, but I can help you find some!

Robulous78 01-23-2013 04:54 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by Mrtoadzwildride (Post 1785785)
Hey brother, keep up the hard work. If you want any advice or help. let me know. In my line of work, I have to maintain a strict weight standard, and stay healthy. I may not have all the answers, but I can help you find some!

Might have to take you up on that Travis... Thanks for the offer...

Right now I am thinking I'll see how far the diet goes with some very light cardio (walking) and free weights thrown in... Once I hit this "plateau" I hear about I might try to have something designed for me...

What line of work are you in Travis?

Wait, answered that myself... Coast Guard... :salute:

Chainsaw13 01-23-2013 05:01 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Rob, dieting alone will only get you so far. Good to see you're going to do cardio. Make sure you're doing a good pace though. You need to get that heart rate up.

MajorCaptSilly 01-23-2013 05:18 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
I'm doing a lifestyle change myself. We're lucky enough to have a nice treadmill, so I'm doing 30 minutes in the morning and 45-60 minutes at night 4 days per week. The other 3 days I do 45 minutes sometime during the day. I'm keeping calories to under 1,800 per day taking into account what I burn on the treadmill. So far, I'm down 13lbs in 30 days. Pants are getting looser and I feel especially good when I can get the treadmill in early in the AM. I started at 270lbs at 6'5'' and am shooting for lbs. My doctor wants to see 220 but my blood pressure, sugar, cholesterol, etc are all good. You can walk away the lbs but need to up the intensity and incline after the weight loss slows.


longknocker 01-23-2013 05:35 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Best Of Luck To All Of You!:tu I Need To Lose 30# To "Comfortably" Get Into My Pants!:r Not Going To Buy Another Size Up!;) 10# So Far In 2 Weeks!

AdamJoshua 01-23-2013 05:40 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Good work man! I went from about 290 to 197 in a little over 9 months, when i started 5 minutes on an eliptical machine made me almost throw up (oh and did i mention i smoked 1+ packs of smokes a day?). Yah I was a mess, by the 9 month mark I was doing an hour of cardio a day just because i freaking LIKED IT!

I would run across the parking lot because it was raining out and be like "omg I just RAN across the entire parking lot", not kidding keep it up it feels so good physically and just emotionally as you lose it .. oh and save up money you're going to need it for new clothes! (again i was amazed like i could buy jeans that were on sale that i could never buy before .. just little things that people take for granted made me feel so good.)

Steve 01-23-2013 07:09 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Awesome Rob! Heck, 6.5 lbs in 10 days isn't bad man. Keep going. It takes a while for your metabolism to catch up as well, and even as you are loosing weight you will hit plateaus periodically. Keep at it, don't get discouraged and think about how much better you feel and how much better you will feel in a couple of months.

kelmac07 01-24-2013 06:16 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Keep at it Rob.

emopunker2004 01-24-2013 06:28 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Keep it up man.

Do you drink sodas? If so, stop. You'll lose alot of weight by just drinking water instead of soda. All that sugar=lots of calories.

363 01-24-2013 06:39 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
:wo Rob!! Keep at it brotha!

elderboy02 01-24-2013 06:44 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Rob, check out my website at: I am a Certified Health Coach with Take Shape For Life and I am currently coaching 16 people and they are all losing weight.

Take Shape for Life completely helps you change your diet so you eat healthier. You lose 2-5 pounds a week. I have lost a total of 113 pounds since July 5th. I would love to help you out :)

mosesbotbol 01-24-2013 06:55 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Make sure to maintain your water intake. At your weight, that should be a gallon a day. Wear a pedometer & make sure you reach your daily goal before going to bed. Walk slightly faster than normal and stretch as much as you can.

Steve 01-24-2013 07:34 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by emopunker2004 (Post 1786030)
Keep it up man.

Do you drink sodas? If so, stop. You'll lose alot of weight by just drinking water instead of soda. All that sugar=lots of calories.


irratebass 01-24-2013 08:11 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Rob, this is the way to go.....have you seen Dan? AMAZING transformation seeing is believing.

Good luck bro!


Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1786039)
Rob, check out my website at: I am a Certified Health Coach with Take Shape For Life and I am currently coaching 16 people and they are all losing weight.

Take Shape for Life completely helps you change your diet so you eat healthier. You lose 2-5 pounds a week. I have lost a total of 113 pounds since July 5th. I would love to help you out :)

elderboy02 01-24-2013 08:54 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1786067)
Rob, this is the way to go.....have you seen Dan? AMAZING transformation seeing is believing.

Good luck bro!

Thanks Mickey :tu

Rob, here is a photo from a while ago. I need to do an updated picture. This was when I hit 100 pounds down:

Robulous78 01-24-2013 03:05 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Nice Dan... Hoping to make my own photoset someday... :tu

So far so good... just not a lot of variety in taste... the bars come in only 3 flavors, Chewy cardboard, chocolate covered chewy carboard, and overly dry chewy peanut-butter... :lr

No Soda's here, occasionally if I run out of coffee I'll drink a Coke Zero... As far as my coffee goes I use cream sparingly, I have gone ahead and made the switch from sweet Iced tea to just plain a$$ iced tea, and i don't eat anything 4 hours before bed because I hear that going to sleep on a meal is counter-productive...

i estimate on a tight day when I do well my caloric intake is 1500, on a day I am less tight between 1500-2000... but seeing as this itself is probably close to 50% or greater reduction in what I usually eat I feel encouraged... :tu

Thanks for all the well wishes guys... I'll let ya know how it goes... :tu

equetefue 01-24-2013 03:59 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Keep it Rob. You should very proud. I'm doing the same thing and have lost a total of 54#s since July.

Keep it up !

BFallehy 01-24-2013 04:21 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Good luck on the weight loss. A few years back my girlfriend at the time, wife now, and I started changing our diets to try and eat healthier.

Some of the things that worked for me were cutting out fast food, I love it but it had to go. I also eat breakfast now which I didn't before. Nothing huge just a granola bar or something like that when I get to work.

A big thing was cooking most of our own meals. We don't use a lot of pre cooked things. I cook a lot of dinners and try and think about what I am putting in. One thing I have found is that if you are craving ground beef or a dish that calls for ground beef you can usualy substitute ground turkey and it is much healthier. If you don't like how bland that is you can add some warschester sauce to the ground turkey and it gives it that beef flavor in the dish that most people are looking for.

Biggest piece of advice, lots of fiber. :tu

Robulous78 01-24-2013 05:51 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Thanks Brian.... I will remember that when it comes time to get off these bars... :tu

Robulous78 01-30-2013 12:44 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
So I don't know how much I trust my scale... From my first post it has been 7 days... Scale says I have lost 8.1 lbs... Now at 316.4... I don't know is losing slightly more then a pound a day reasonable/healthy? Or do you think my scale might be a little funky...?

I have been more or less militant eating a lot of replacement bars with only 1 cheat all week... I definitely have made sure my caloric intake has stayed below 1400 daily - that 1 2000 calorie day...


emopunker2004 01-30-2013 01:43 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Not sure Rob. The more you weigh, the easier it is for you to lose weigh before you plateau. Rob, I just recently starting using the myfitnesspal app and website to help count calories. You should check it out. You can set your goals and how many lbs a week you want to lose and it'll tell you how many calories to eat and helps track them.

mosesbotbol 01-30-2013 06:44 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1788813)
So I don't know how much I trust my scale... From my first post it has been 7 days... Scale says I have lost 8.1 lbs... Now at 316.4... I don't know is losing slightly more then a pound a day reasonable/healthy? Or do you think my scale might be a little funky...?

I have been more or less militant eating a lot of replacement bars with only 1 cheat all week... I definitely have made sure my caloric intake has stayed below 1400 daily - that 1 2000 calorie day...


Scales are accurate, but water weight value can swing your weight a few % either depending on intake and retention.

I'd be careful with those bars as they need a lot of water to balance them out. Make sure you are hitting over a half gallon + of water a day. Use one jug vs. multiple refills of something smaller.

Robulous78 01-31-2013 01:37 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1788850)
Scales are accurate, but water weight value can swing your weight a few % either depending on intake and retention.

I'd be careful with those bars as they need a lot of water to balance them out. Make sure you are hitting over a half gallon + of water a day. Use one jug vs. multiple refills of something smaller.

so if you take the 6.5 and add the 8.1 that is 14.6 lbs lost so far from the OP...

How much of this do you think is water? how much do you think is fat?

How much water weight does the average person carry anyway?

emopunker2004 01-31-2013 01:47 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
your best bet is to weigh yourself the same time of day each time you weigh to help make it more consistent with water weight fluctuations

Robulous78 01-31-2013 08:03 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Hmm... weird... only 24 hours later and the scale says 312.4... twice... :hm

2lbs in 24 hours? what? maybe this is water weight?

emopunker2004 01-31-2013 08:22 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Cheap scale?

Robulous78 01-31-2013 08:24 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
40 dollars... at wall-dubs...

I placed 2 20 lb hand weights on it... one on each foot pad... it reads 40lbs...? :hm

Robulous78 01-31-2013 08:35 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
It can't be possible... but everything seems to be correct... the scale zeros on 40lbs of test weight exactly...

a pound is theoretically 3500 calories... I know I didn't burn 7000 calories yesterday... some of this has to be water weight...

Robulous78 01-31-2013 08:41 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
I've been on this diet for 18 days now... how much f-ing water can I be holding?

mosesbotbol 01-31-2013 08:52 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1789280)
I've been on this diet for 18 days now... how much f-ing water can I be holding?

30 lbs+ of water retention is my guess, maybe even more. Lowering sodium helps. I would not recommend any diuretics as that can raise blood pressure and I bet your blood pressure is already a concern.

Have you done complete blood work with your primary? You could be showing some diabetic tendencies which retain water. I would not go on any drastic diets until you have a complete picture of your blood and health. Supplements bars should be used more as a snack than meal replacement. Taking psyllium husks with water 2-3 times a day will help both bigtime.

Have you done the calipers to measure body fat?

Robulous78 01-31-2013 05:49 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
well I am un-insured currently... so no primary to see unfortunately...

when I was younger I was covered... my blood looked good... pressure was up of course...

I have tried the husks before... didn't really do a lot for me, but then again it could just be because I am taking it so much more seriously now...

It worries me you mention diabetes... my mother developed adult onset diabetes at 45ish... she has got it under control and it didn't really affect her too bad I think other then her energy levels and she would take a lot of naps after eating carbs...

No calipers in my possession... I admit I am not too much a fan of them... I remember being a fat chubby kid and a gym teacher pinching the ever living sh!t out of my side... maybe if I did it myself my fear would wane... IDK if walmart carries them, more or less walmart is my only retail outlet in town... so if its unlikely to be found there its unlikely I have it... I'll look into acquiring a pair online...

NeuRon 01-31-2013 05:53 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1785759)
So I don't know how I really feel about this but ever since I read NuRon's Thread on his weight loss I decided I would give things a go and see what happens...

well 10 days in, on a full salad and 2 MetRx Meal replacement bars a day diet and I have lost a whopping 6.5 lbs... Somewhat underwhelming... But then again with no change in exercise I guess this is ok... I wouldn't mind adding an exercise component to this but I have a tough time with most regiments because of my size or because of Time... Anyone know anything simple I can do that isn't overly strenuous?

Maybe I should start at the beginning, I started at 331bs and am now to 324.5... Its my goal to get to 270 or 250 by the end of the year... diet has got to be my biggest issue... Followed by my weird work hours and lack of a physically demanding job... More or less I just wanted to see what has worked for the rest of you guys and what you would recommend for someone that is more or less a beginner on the whole "health-consciousness" scene...

Thanks Fellas.... :tu

rob this makes me so happy to see! and im proud of you!..

btw, for real.. shoot me your phone number or email.. having a "buddy" to confide in with this stuff pays dividends.. it'd be my pleasure to help a fellow brother

mosesbotbol 01-31-2013 08:36 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1789458)
I have tried the husks before... didn't really do a lot for me, but then again it could just be because I am taking it so much more seriously now...

It worries me you mention diabetes... my mother developed adult onset diabetes at 45ish... she has got it under control and it didn't really affect her too bad I think other then her energy levels and she would take a lot of naps after eating carbs...

No calipers in my possession... I admit I am not too much a fan of them...

Ok, make the husks mandatory for one month, twice a day with a 12 oz water after a glass of water with the husks. The fiber will do a lot and take 30 minutes before meals.

Read up on low glycemic foods (and low sodium) and stick with them. Limit alcohol to 0-3 normal drinks a week (I know sucks), but the right diet and plenty of water will allow you to get the gym and not go through energy swings. Water and right food are critical.

Find a place to get your blood pressure taken. It sounds like you are big guy, so make sure they have the right cuff for your arm or the numbers will be off (and higher). Keep a journal, include time, pulse, mood, and when last exercised after blood pressure reading.

One other key suggestion is a pedometer. Your daily goal, I don't know enough to suggest, I am sure someone else here can... Make sure you hit that goal every day. I don't care if you have to walk up and down you street for 30 minutes...

Chainsaw13 01-31-2013 09:12 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Moses, great advice. Rob, like was mentioned earlier, go get a blood work up. It will tell you a lot of things and whether there is anything you need to treat. It's better to catch anything early than to let it get worse. I speak from experience. About 2 years ago I was diagnosed as type two at age 42. In about a year, I lost enough weight to get off all meds, my blood sugar is under control, blood pressure is normal and I feel great.

Learn to love veggies. Theyre low in calories, high in vitamins and fiber. You can eat a lot of them to fill you up without taking in a lot of calories. Plus they're cheap.

You asked about a cheap exercise activity. One word, walking. 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. If you can't do it all at the same time, which would be best, do 2-15 minute sessions. The key is to do a pace that gets the heart rate up. If your just doing a leisurely stroll, it's not going to help as much as if you're doing a 4+ mph pace. That's how I started. Lost a LOT of weight that way.

If you have any questions, you can always shoot me a pm.

Robulous78 02-08-2013 05:58 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
First day trying out my new leg weights... gone all day with 10lbs strapped to each leg... burn calories burn... :lr

Ubiquitous 02-09-2013 04:09 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
As for the weight fluctuations it's normal. I was the subject of a personal trainer's essay on weight. Over a 24hr period, I was weighed hourly. My weight fluctuated +/- 5 lbs from the baseline. A total of about ten lbs. Don't get too caught up with the scale. Eat right, eat smaller portions, drink water (no sugary drinks or alcohol) exercise moderately and you should see the difference in the notches on your belt. Keep up the hard work brother! It's a marathon not a sprint!

mosesbotbol 02-09-2013 06:55 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1792967)
First day trying out my new leg weights... gone all day with 10lbs strapped to each leg... burn calories burn... :lr

Did you buy a pedometer yet?

Robulous78 02-19-2013 09:16 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
no pedometer yet Moses... Sorry I hadn't seen your post...

UPDATE.... 303.2 LBS 27.8 lbs lost in 32 days...

hazydat620 02-19-2013 10:33 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Just saw this Rob, Keep up the good work. Sounds like we have some great brothers who know what they're talking about, guiding you in the right directions.

NeuRon 02-19-2013 10:54 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
thatta boy!

Chainsaw13 02-19-2013 12:54 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1797257)
no pedometer yet Moses... Sorry I hadn't seen your post...

UPDATE.... 303.2 LBS 27.8 lbs lost in 32 days...


That's awesome Rob. Are you having to buy new clothes yet?

Robulous78 02-19-2013 02:27 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
no... not quiet yet another 2 to 3 weeks and I might need to... Right now I just need a new hole in my belt... :noon :noon :noon

NeuRon 04-16-2013 11:43 AM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Any status updates?

Zane 04-16-2013 12:33 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

Originally Posted by NeuRon (Post 1822349)
Any status updates?

He is down like 50 lbs if I remember!

Robulous78 04-16-2013 02:58 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Thanks Zane... Yea I am down to 283.4

My Weight book shows the story...

[IMG] Capture by Robulous78, on Flickr[/IMG]

NeuRon 04-16-2013 03:43 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Awesome!!! Good to hear

mosesbotbol 04-16-2013 04:00 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...
Keep up the good work! Do you feel lighter?

Robulous78 04-16-2013 04:02 PM

Re: 6.5 Lbs...

<if your trying to loose weight >
Sure Do!!!! never felt better... :tu

<if your looking for Honesty>
Nope, I just get less winded doing stuff... :lr

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