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Commander Quan 07-27-2012 04:00 AM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle

Originally Posted by Acton (Post 1688806)
This is an example of items founds in a high fat diet - I don't recommend this as the sole source of foods but with the addition of eggs, dairy, vegetables & cold water fish (sardines, mackerel, herring or salmon) - it would be much closer to ideal....

Other than dairy which is questionable for the reasons I posted above, at the addition of quality meats, that is what you eat.

area51 07-27-2012 04:15 AM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle

WittyUserName 07-27-2012 05:56 AM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle

Originally Posted by area51 (Post 1688833)


Joneser172 08-03-2012 09:28 AM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
I have crashed hard off my eating plan. Clean foods again starting tomorrow.

Commander Quan 01-11-2013 01:48 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Just thought I would bump this up to the top again to see if we have anyone else.

2012 was a great year for me. Eating this way has pretty much become my lifestyle. For the month of January the wife and I are doing a program called Whole 30 which is basically a strict version of Paleo, and is meant to be sort of a reset for your body. I did go a little loose in December, and it feels good to get back on that wagon.

czerbe 01-11-2013 02:00 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
My brother just bought me the "Paleo Solution" book he has been doing it for a year now. I'm thinking about starting it in a slow way not going over board. I droped nearly 50lbs with diet and exercise over the last 2 years but i'm looking to kick it up a notch.

Commander Quan 01-11-2013 02:55 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
The Paleo Solution is a good book to explain not just the how, buy the why of eating this way, and how environmental factors effect people. Robb Wolf's writing is not dry by any means, and he's a proponent of tequila, so what's not to like.

jldude12345 01-20-2013 03:23 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
I started using coconut oil and I love it. The hardest part is the bread! Man I love good bread. I have tried some of the sprouted breads...mostly yuk! Any suggestions?

Commander Quan 01-21-2013 02:47 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Bread is a tough one for a lot of people since it seams like everything is eaten with it. Burgers can be eaten without, Lettuce leafs can be used to wrap up a lot of things normally eaten in a sandwich, but mostly it's about changing the way you think about food. Bread has a Glycemic Index of between 64 & 87 and even Whole Wheat bread has a GI average of 71, compare that with a Coke which has a GI of 63. If you eat toast, or a bagel for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and a side of bread for supper, along with whatever other grain based products you eat during the day your blood sugar is constantly peaking, and then crashing once the insulin rushes in to counter the effects.

big a 01-27-2013 10:29 AM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
My friend started the Primal diet/ lifestyle which i believe is Paleo. The wife and I have since started this. I have got several of the cookbooks. What are some of everyone's favorite meals?

hotreds 01-27-2013 01:32 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
There is a "Paleo" bread available. No idea how good or bad it is. However, if once every few weeks you have a burger with a bun it ain't gonna kill you. Don't go "ga-ga" about it!

Commander Quan 01-29-2013 03:20 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Here's an interesting article about Kobe Bryant eating Paleo

Scroll halfway down.

MACS 01-29-2013 08:07 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Without reading through the thread, is this Paleo diet pretty much the same thing as the Atkins diet with a new name?

You eat lots of meat and no carbs or sugars, right?

hotreds 01-29-2013 08:31 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
More or less. There are literally dozens of variations of the "low carb" diet, and several versions of the "paleo" diet as well.

This book gives a good intro to a number of the "low carb" diets.

Commander Quan 01-29-2013 08:57 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Yes and no. What Dr. Atkins knew was that controling insulin is the key to weight loss and many other health factors. The difference is that Atkins does not take into account the quality of the foods. Hotdogs and lunch meats which are ok for Atkins are not paleo. I am not sure what the upper limit of the carbs allowed on Atkins is, but many paleo people are eating 150 grams of carbohydrates from non grain and sugar sources and maintaining just fine. 150 grams from no grains and no sugar is a lot of fruits, vegetables, and sweet potatoes, which should be a large portion of the calories consumed. The rest of the calories needed need to come from somewhere so fats and protines make up the rest of the diet. Fats when well sourced are not the evil artery clogging scourge we have been told. Fats are more than their 9 calories/gram, they are dense energy sources which provide nutrients and vitimans which are more bio available than from grain or legume sources.

Fordman4ever 01-31-2013 06:11 AM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
I'm trying really hard to stay Paleo but my wife "just can't give up bread" so its in the house all the time. I have very little will power when it comes to carbs and sweets. I grew up pretty poor and candy was such a treat that any time we got it we were super excited. I keep throwing all kinds of paleo literature my wifes way, but she refuses to give up grains and bread and corn and potatoes and candy etc. etc. etc.

Living paleo is super easy when I'm deployed because I have to actively get all my own food and we have access to all the veggies we want. Maybe staying active on this thread will help me out. who knows

Fordman4ever 01-31-2013 06:25 AM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Here's a page that breaks it down into a pretty simple explanation.

Beginners guide to Paleo

Commander Quan 01-31-2013 11:48 AM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Earl that's the first time I've seen that site. I enjoyed it thanks.

I agree that having a partner that's not into paleo can be frustrating. For a long time, my wife pushed back at me when I would encourage her to consider making some dietary changes instead opting for the "everything in moderation[ish]" approach, so I let it go. She however was a huge part of me have success since she does most of the cooking in the house, and enjoys doing it. I'd find recipes, and ask her to make them for me for my lunches and had no issues doing that. Our situation is unique in that she works 9-5 and I work from whenever until 9 pm. So except for weekends, we hardly ever eat meals together.

After a while, and seeing positive results from me she did start warming up to the idea, and even did the Whole 30 plan with me for the month of January. which was a huge step for her, and has actually enjoyed it, and commented on how much better she feels.

It's frustrating when someone sticks their fingers in their ears, but do the best you can and maybe some of the changes will rub off on her.

As far as the will power issue, make positive changes incrementally, I can almost promise you that if candy and doughnuts don't get eaten, eventually they will quit being bought.

Fordman4ever 01-31-2013 05:32 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Hopefully she gets on board. Thanks for the encouraging words.

CigarNut 01-31-2013 10:06 PM

Re: Paleo Diet & Lifestyle
Easy bacon chicken bowl

• 1/2 Sweet potato, cut lengthwise
• 1 Chicken thigh
• 2 Slices bacon
• Sea salt and pepper to taste

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
2. Place your halved sweet potato cut side down on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes or until your potato is soft to the touch.
3. When your potato is 6-8 minutes left to cook, place a medium skillet over medium heat.
4. Add your two slices of bacon.
5. Salt and pepper both sides of the chicken thigh.
6. As soon as some of the fat begins to render, push the bacon to one side and place your chicken thigh into the bacon fat.
7. Cook chicken and bacon on one side for about 4-5 minutes, then flip.
8. Your bacon will cook faster so once it is done place your sweet potato in a bowl and top it with bacon.
9. To finish the chicken thigh through, add a tablespoon of water and cover for about 3-5 minutes or until cooked through.
10. Add chicken thigh to your bowl.
11. Cut it all up and mix together.
12. Top with a pinch of salt and pepper.

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