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icehog3 07-01-2014 02:49 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Shoulder day, and the left shoulder was just raw. Made it through some moderate weight sets of military presses, even 205 was too painful for more than a handful of reps today. "Good" days and bad days for shoulders, today was one of the bad ones.

Did drop sets of shrugs for traps, a few sets 0f 405/365/315/275/225. Traps are hurting as well, but in a good way this time.

Adriftpanda 07-01-2014 10:37 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Bummer, Tom.

icehog3 07-02-2014 12:37 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Meh, next shoulder day could be a good one, I never know until I get that first set in.

Dedicated arm day tomorrow, Huy, just like you are thinking of doing. Then a couple days off from hockey so I can finally get a good leg workout in.

Adriftpanda 07-02-2014 08:09 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Almost did arms but felt energized after a long day of work actually. Not a bad day...

Warmed up with leg extensions, 7x10-12 for working sets. Warming up my hips and quads.

Worked on squats, went heavy with low reps. 7x3 @335

Then just did other isolation movements. Kept everything fairly higher reps and sets.

icehog3 07-03-2014 10:14 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Arm day for me yesterday.

Cambered bar curls @ 135 - 18, 16, 14, 12 10, 9, 8
Preacher curls @ 115 - 15, 12, 10
Tricep pushdowns 97.5, 122.5, 142.5, 147.5, 122.5, 97.5

Adriftpanda 07-03-2014 12:57 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
You're an animal.

Shoulders and aaaaams today.

icehog3 07-05-2014 04:45 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Went a little overboard on the bent over rows today, going Ah-nold style.

205, 215, 225, 245, 255, 275, 295, 305. Got 18 reps with 205, down to only 5 reps with 305.

Medium width pulldowns 200, 220, 240, 260.

T-bar rows 5 sets @ 275.

Cable rows 3 sets #260.

Dead hangs to stretch out, then chcken breast, egg whites, fruit and 8 grain toast with PB to feed the beast.

Adriftpanda 07-08-2014 12:08 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Had a great couple days of training. Even though I was on a short vacation, I met up with a friend to train in San Diego.

Hit chest pretty hard Sunday morning, learned some new techniques as well.

Tired as hell but killed legs today. All the lovely exercises, front squats, sumo deads, etc.

I spent the last hour prepping my meals for maņana.

Adriftpanda 07-08-2014 12:09 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Had a great couple days of training. Even though I was on a short vacation, I met up with a friend to train in San Diego.

Hit chest pretty hard Sunday morning, learned some new techniques as well.

Tired as hell but killed legs today. All the lovely exercises, front squats, sumo deads, etc.

I spent the last hour prepping my meals for maņana.

Adriftpanda 07-08-2014 09:28 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Nice back pump going today.

Seated rows, pull downs at every angle possible and a few other exercises. Kept everyone moderate weight while trying to hit 8-10 rep range x5-6 sets.

4WheelVFR 07-08-2014 09:39 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
I'm so anxious to get back into the gym. Pulled a muscle near my shoulder several weeks ago and when that was starting to feel good, I herniated a disc in my back. Now my back is feeling good, but I'm recovering from a poison ivy reaction that landed me in urgent care lol. To say I'm restless is a bit of an understatement lol.

icehog3 07-10-2014 02:09 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Hope it goes well, Ray! :tu

Back day today...rocked the bent over rows again as it just seems I am really in the groove on them right now....didn;t have much gas left for anything else after, so went heavy and short after that.

Bent Over Rows 185, 205, 225, 245, 265, 275, 305, 275, 225
T-Bar Rows 270, 295, 295, 270
Cable Rows 260, 260, 260, 260
Close grip Pull-ups 2 sets to failure

4 hockey games in 4 nights now, so the gym will be a challenge the next few workouts. Don't plan on missing any workouts though.

Adriftpanda 07-10-2014 02:30 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
9 sets, beast. Rep ranges?

Another leg day for me. Almost took today off but I was up and couldn't go back to bed.

Think I did about 8-9 sets on front squats for 8-10 reps. All the fun leg stuff.

icehog3 07-11-2014 01:18 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
I was getting 18-20 with 185 and 205, 15 or so at 225-245, finally down to 6 at 305.

Think I got 11, 9, 9 and 10 on the T-bars.

Adriftpanda 07-11-2014 06:57 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Doing that cardio work, Tom! Lol

Adriftpanda 07-12-2014 01:09 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
chesties tonight

incline bb, cable flies, incline db, hammer strength press. All 4-5 sets x 8-12

icehog3 07-12-2014 01:25 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Took today off, will train tomorrow (scheduled day off). Hockey caught up with me this week.

Adriftpanda 07-13-2014 12:59 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
I stay in my lane 90% of the time... I needed a good ol cheat meal in me. Got mine tonight at the state fair. Wish I could post some pictures for you, Tom.

funnel cake (with chocolate syrup of course)
1/2 burger (mac n cheese stuffed pattie w/bacon)
tri tip sandwich (bbq sauce on the side to keep it healthy lol)

Ahhhh yeah, gonna smash some dead lifts tomorrow.

icehog3 07-13-2014 09:00 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Gotta cheat now and then, Huy! :tu

icehog3 07-13-2014 02:15 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Got to the gym with only about 30 minutes to change, warm up and train. Was supposed to be bi's and tri's, decided to just do some bi's a leave tri's for after chest tomorrow.

Cambered bar curls 145 X 14,13,12,10,8
Barbell curls 125 X 13, 135 X 12, 135 X 10
Preacher curls 100 X 15, 12, 8, 6

Tried to start a set of cable curls and decided my bi's were toast.

Adriftpanda 07-13-2014 02:35 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Smashed the back today. Mainly rowing movements. Warmed up with 5 sets of wife grip pull ups to failure and then negatives. Finished off with dead lifts for high reps. I guess I should eat like I did last night before a big back day :)

icehog3 07-13-2014 02:54 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Yup, looks like those cheat calories worked in your favor, huy! :D

Adriftpanda 07-14-2014 11:05 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
That leg day again. Focused a lot more on hamstrings today though.

icehog3 07-14-2014 11:12 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
International Chest day...strength was low on inclines, stopped after a set at 275, and went to bench. Strength a little better, went to 325, then finished with some flyes and some moderate weight declines and body weight dips.

Adriftpanda 07-15-2014 12:07 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Haven't done decline in so long... Maybe tomorrow

Adriftpanda 07-15-2014 09:43 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Blasted breasties today with the wife. Proud of her, less than 2 months ago, she was barely benching 60, today she was hitting 95 for reps! Killed it.

Flat bb, incline db, incline db flies, dips to failure super set with cable flies.

Finished off with 2 tricep movements.

icehog3 07-16-2014 12:43 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
No declines? :(

Back day today, super limited on time so I worked at a breakneck pace.

T-bar 205, 225, 250, 270, 295
Barbell rows 205, 225, 245, 265
Cable rows 265, 275, 285, 285, 250
Pullups to failure

Shoulder day tomorrow....ready for some pain.

Adriftpanda 07-16-2014 08:57 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
It's rare that I do decline. For me, I feel hitting dips, target my lower pecs better.

icehog3 07-16-2014 02:11 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Shoulders and Tris today. Just couldn't take the pain real heavy of pressing motions, so I stayed light.

Standing Military 95, 115, 135, 115
Seated Military 135, 155, 175, 185
Shrugs 225, 275, 315, 365, 315, 225

Finished with french curls and high dips for a finish to the tris

Adriftpanda 07-16-2014 09:44 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Back day. Simple, nothing crazy.

Kept everything 8-12 reps with a couple drop sets. Finished off with some fst 7 training.

icehog3 07-16-2014 11:25 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Leg day tomorrow, going to hit the leg press heavy as I just don't think my shoulder will appreciate squatting tomorrow. ;)

Throw in some bis and abs if I have time.

Adriftpanda 07-17-2014 01:29 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Aaaaams and side delts tomorrow.

After back, decided to play with the youngster. Ran a bunch of games, played for about 2 hours. Way too much cardio for me. Ate a nice bison burger afterwards. Chicken on the grill, sweet potato in the oven for my meals tomorrow.

Have a good sesh tomorrow brotha

icehog3 07-17-2014 08:43 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Crush them aaaams, Brother. And save me a sweet potato. :)

bonjing 07-17-2014 06:25 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Dang. Out 3 weeks and the gym is thrashed. I hate people.

Adriftpanda 07-17-2014 11:24 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Shoulders and aaaams today. Focused on a lot of side delts. Super set my arms.

icehog3 07-18-2014 12:41 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Day off for me. I need it, my shoulder is singin'.....

Adriftpanda 07-19-2014 02:44 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Off days aren't bad. One of those crappy shoulder days huh brotha?

I almost took today off. Wife was making food for tomorrow's baby shower and told me to leave her alone so I decided to go to the gym.

Quads today.

Sumo deads, leg presses, smith machine lunges, leg extension. Kept everything 4-5 sets x 10-15. Except for sumo deads, 5x5-8

Adriftpanda 07-20-2014 01:26 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Had the chance to train with my good friend that does strong lift competitions. Very different from my normal training sessions but a good different. He showed me some really awesome stretches for dead lift days as well chest days.

We ended up doing 5x5 and 5x8 for bench press. All for rest pause techniques. We moved over to incline, well at least I did and he did incline close grip while I did incline flies.

Rest pause @225 while he had to show me up and rest pause at 375. Made me feel like a girl.

icehog3 07-20-2014 02:01 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
375 rest pause is pretty dang impressive, Huy. Stick with him, you will conquer.

Chest for me as well, did a rep day myself, flats from 205 to 295, inclines from 205 to 265, added in some vertical bench, Lifefitness declines, and weighted dips. Great stretch and great pump.

Adriftpanda 07-20-2014 02:44 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
He placed 2nd at his first meet, which qualifies him for nationals. He totaled 1410 or something like that. Deads, squats and bench.

Learned some new bench press techniques but I prefer the bodybuilding movements and higher reps. Sucks that I don't live near by but I always make an effort to train with him while I'm back in town.

icehog3 07-20-2014 03:38 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Very cool, Huy. :tu

Gym was dead today so I took advantage to do some supersets for back, been a while.

Bent Over Row 245 @16 - T-Bar row 250 @11
Bent Over Row 245 @14 - T-Bar row 250 @10
Bent Over Row 275 @12 - T Bar Row 225 @13

Bent Over Row 295 @10

T-Bar Row 270 @ 13

Pulldowns 240 @12, 260 @10

Cable Rows 260 @10, 260 @10

Finished with some dead hangs to stretch 'er out

GreekGodX 07-20-2014 04:15 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1975189)
375 rest pause is pretty dang impressive, Huy. Stick with him, you will conquer.

I'm a big believer in if you train with strong people, that will make you stronger. I watched the 2 episodes of American Muscle and all I really cared for was seeing how the athletes pushed each other in the gym (show isn't very good otherwise). When you have that constant competition there is no better environment to work in.

NeuRon 07-20-2014 04:56 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 1975304)
I'm a big believer in if you train with strong people, that will make you stronger. I watched the 2 episodes of American Muscle and all I really cared for was seeing how the athletes pushed each other in the gym (show isn't very good otherwise). When you have that constant competition there is no better environment to work in.

no truer words have been spoken.. thats why you wont see anybody getting big doing home exercises when they are constantly working out alone, and not seeing others push their limits

work out with others who will make you better, stronger, wiser.. learn as much as u can

Adriftpanda 07-20-2014 11:47 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Too bad I don't live close enough to him, but I have a constant partner that I train with here anyway.

I'm sure you know what I meant, Tom. Pause, push. Not rest pause.

I've been playing around with my diet the last week and hour with carb cycling. It's been fun and interesting all at the same time, slowly added more carbs in this week. I was doing less than 105g per day. Slowly going to bring it to 155g per day and we will see how it goes.

All my meals are ready to go tomorrow, decided to get fancy and made mashed purple yams.

Adriftpanda 07-21-2014 09:35 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Back day. Feeling that pump.

Neutral grip lat pull down, seated hammer strength row (1 arm), bent over db row (2 arm), stiff arm lat pull down, and finished off with some rear delt flies.

Did some abs to finish it off. Kept everything 4-5 working sets for 10-12 reps with a couple drop sets here and there to be fancy.

mosesbotbol 07-22-2014 05:04 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
First time lifting weights in many months yesterday. It's time for me to get back to weights. Too much dystrophy in upper body and cycling alone isn't enough to keep the weight off. I lose a lot more weight from lifting than I do from cycling.

Went really light as I know the pain that will be ahead of me this week. I hope to be past that hump by the weekend.

icehog3 07-22-2014 08:03 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Good luck with the comeback, Moses, I've made many of those over the decades as well. :tu

Adriftpanda 07-22-2014 06:48 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Nice pump today. Shoulders

Db presses, bb upright row (wide grip), db front raises, side lat raises, rear delt flies, and cable lat raises. Did everything for 4 sets x 10-12.

Did some abs as well.

mosesbotbol 07-22-2014 08:57 PM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1975686)
Good luck with the comeback, Moses, I've made many of those over the decades as well. :tu

F-ing sore today. Took today off, but need to keep the consistency with doing something tomorrow. Shoulders, abs, and stretching.

Adriftpanda 07-24-2014 02:35 AM

Re: Pumping Iron with Zemekone and Icehog3 II
Leg day... kind of lackluster to be honest.

front squats, sumo deads, lying leg curls, leg extensions. Kept my front squats and sumos low rep, no more than 6 reps. The other iso movements, kept the reps fairly high, around 10-12 and played around with drops sets

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