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Old 10-22-2008, 08:47 AM   #9
Beer Doctor
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Default Re: What a morning, the worst thing I've had to do

I know the feeling. When my daughter was ~ 2 years old she had to have blood drawn. They take a little needle apparatus and stick it in a finger and hold it for a few seconds. My daughter was flipping out. I literally had to wrap my legs around her when she was sitting in my lap and hold her finger as hard as I could while she is looking at me with tears streaming down her face. That sucked but not as bad as this past summer.

I was camping at a place called Devil's lake. It was my daughter's half birthday (6y6mo) on Aug 6th. Get it...666. Anyway she trips over our camping stove and slices her leg open. The doctor gave me the option of having sutures or the liquid stitches. It was on her leg so I decided to get the stitches. I also decided to get the injection of anesthia as opposed to the topical which took longer. When she heard she was getting stitches she was hysterical. She had the fear of death in her eyes. I ended up almost laying on her and holding her hand. Funny thing is once they started she was fine. She didn't even flinch when they stuck the needle in her wound. They were blue sutures so now she thinks they were cool. I never felt so bad and evil but I kept telling myself that she'll thank me when she's older and has to shave over that tiny scar every day as opposed to a big scar because I opted to not have stitches or let her have liquid stitches which could have broke open easier. Anyway she got 6 stitches. Suffice to say she is not a big fan of Devil's lake...
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