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Old 11-24-2009, 06:23 AM   #47
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Default Re: Davidoff customer service SUCK!!!!

I have to say, it amazes me how many companies pass up these golden opportunities. Look, dad broke the darn thing. You say he pulled gently, Davidoff figures he was in a tug of war with your rottweiler. It shouldn't matter. For the small amount it would take to resolve the issue, they would get an enormous amount of positive PR. Sometimes is easy for companies to product good products, etc. But when something like this happens it's an opportunity that all the advertising dollars in the word can't immitate.

Also, there is a youtube video about social advertising. Runs about 4 minutes and the statistics about who is online, etc. is amazing. the largest growing group is 50 YOA and up. Facebook, Myspace, etc. have actually over taken p_orn as the number one hit on the Internet. Our company's product won't really benefit from social and forum-type advertising, but Davidoff...holy cow
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