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Old 03-16-2009, 09:50 AM   #81
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Default Re: Stray black lab mix story.

I called Jan last night to check on Sadie. She said she was doing well, but Jan worried because Sadie would just find a corner, lay down and stay there. I told her that I felt that was because she had been on her own for so long, she didn't know what else to do and I bet within a few days, once she's more sure of her new home and companion, she'll be just fine. She was also worried that she would not eat and had not urinated yet. I told her that I didn't see her take in any water yesterday at all, and that she probably had used our backyard "facility" before she was picked up. She was taking her out every two hours, just in case.

Jan it taking her to the vet today, the same vet we use for Rockie, to get a good checking out. I'm hoping she tests negative for heart worms and that her blood work comes back good. Dianne and I checked her teeth yesterday before Jan picked her up. Based on her teeth, Jan said she didin't think she was as old as we thought. I found one tick on her right ear, but it was small and I didn't want to hurt her by pulling if off, I felt that she was probably under enough stress already. To go from being almost completely independant to being confined in a strange backyard was enough.

I had brushed her while she was here and think her being in and out of the rain last week had helped. Her coat looked better and she lost most of her odor. The first time I got to pet her, she had a pretty bad stink and my hands were nearly black afterward. She still needs a good bath, but she looked pretty good considering.

I put up a sign in the lot across the street to thank everybody who had fed and cared for Sadie and to let them know she had found a new home.
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