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Old 07-01-2011, 08:23 PM   #30
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Default Re: The cellophane wrapper

Sorry I got upset before, I guess I was having a bad day and was a little touchy.
After giving it more thought however, I'm a little hesitant about leaving the cellophane off for fear of a more rapid loss of the tobacco's volatile oils. It seems to me that cigars that are un-wrapped loose that "factory-fresh" smell and oily sheen a lot sooner that those with the cellophane left on. I have noticed that cigars that are over-humidified seem to loose their extra moisture really, really slowly if the wrapper is left in place, if at all. I'm curious how others handle wet cigars, do they seem to eventually reach a proper humidity level with the wrapper on after a long(er) period of time? Perhaps clipping the end of the cellophane offers the best of both worlds: protection from handling, reduced air flow and loss of volatile oils and decent moisture flow.
For those who were wondering, I used cigar-wrapper cellophane with a bit of cellophane tape in the experiment.
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