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Old 02-27-2009, 07:49 AM   #54
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Default Re: Martial Arts - What Do/Did You Study

Originally Posted by Drat View Post

I too have fought multiple opponents at once (training situations). I usually got my ass handed to me, but the potential for survival was there.

A former colleague of mine was mugged by 5 guys with sticks and knives and he survived. I can't say the same for his assailants though. I think 2 made it, but will never walk again.

Difference between training and real life is, can you handle it, will you react on instict from the thousands of times you did the move or will you freeze up.... then once you act on instinct, you then realize you can and will hurt these people. All of a sudden you're not stopping as you touch their throat skin, you're stopping 3 inches beyond that, you follow through with the kick to their knee, and that elbow to the face, well that hurts you too though hurts them much more.

I'm lucky I've only had to use it a few times, and every time I was scared shitless, my adrenaline was pumping, and yea I got hurt 50% of the time... the best thing you learn is not being there.... stay out of the situation so you don't have to do anything...
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