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Old 02-26-2009, 09:22 PM   #51
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Default Re: Martial Arts - What Do/Did You Study

Originally Posted by bonjing View Post
out of curiosity, for those that have studied jiu jitsu, how does it deal with multiple opponents? does any form factor in multiple opponents?
Quoting from "Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu" by Renzo and Royler Gracie: "Probably the most common complaint with regard to grappling as a viable means of self-defense is that grappling is useless against multiple opponents. The argument is that in locking with one attacker, one is easily attacked by his partners in crime. This is entirely true. Grappling skills will not allow you to destroy several attackers at once. Brazilian jiu-jitsu makes no claim to teach a method of overwhelming mass attacks. Should you be heavily outnumbered, Brazilian jiu-jitsu will not save you. It is the contention of the authors that no other style of empty-hand fighting will save you either. The martial arts is full of overinflated claims. One of the most common is that one unarmed man can defeat many aggressive, dangerous attackers at once. The irony is that many of the stylists who made suck grandiose claims proved entirely incapable of defeating even a single attacker when put ot the test in mixed martial arts competition. Such claims are the stuff of fantasy and belong more to the realm of martial arts movies than a book concerned with real fighting."

I'm only a lowly white-belt, so I don't want to answer myself, so I thought I'd give it to you out of the horses mouth, so to speak.
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