Thread: Michelada
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Old 02-02-2009, 04:52 PM   #1
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Default Michelada

I wanted to post my recipe for a Michelada because it seems they've become bastardized more and more as of late. First, tomato juice, V8, and Clamato have no business in a Michelada recipe. If you use any of those ingredients call your drink something else. It is not and never will be a Michelada. As much as I love me some Budweiser I'm a bit peeved with the slurry they are pawning off on consumers.

Simple recipe.

Salt the rim of a pint, or whatever large glass you choose.
Squeeze the juice of a couple Key Limes
Pinch of Margarita Salt
Couple dashes of Pepper
A few drops of Maggi meat seasoning
A few drops of Soy Sauce
A few drops (double the previous amount) of Worchestershire Sauce
A couple of table spoons of Valentina salsa
Slowly pour in your beer of choice (preferably Tecate or something else light. i.e. no dark beer)

As you get half way down the glass add more beer to the top. By the last top off you'll notice the drink isn't as spicy, but still hot enough.
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