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Old 04-21-2009, 03:27 PM   #47
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Default Re: I Will/Won't Drink Any Coffee, Anytime

Well, I can't say I'm as far down the path as Mister Moo, but in the Barney household the past couple of days have been traumatic. I woke up Sunday morning to find that our nice burr coffee grinder was inoperable beyond repair. Now, for some reason Fayetteville, NC does not have a store that sells a burr coffee grinder and so for the past two mornings I have been forced to drink coffee from a certain unnamed fast food restaurant because we have no ground coffee in the house. So, my answer to the original question is yes, if I am forced to in extreme circumstances. Since we must order a bona fide coffee grinder from the internet I ground some beans at the grocery store today so I would at least have some semblance of good coffee in the morning. Oh, the humanity!
p.s. any good recommendations for a place to order one from?
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