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Old 08-31-2010, 10:52 PM   #31
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Default Re: Cigar mishaps and the like...

Last thanksgiving we took the trailer up to the mountains (Canadian Thanksgiving is in October)

When I was setting up the trailer I checked the forecast and it was going to be cold, I hummed and hawwed about the whole thing and in the end decided that the trailer would stay warm enough that the lines wouldn't freeze so I loaded up all the tanks and away we went.

So the forecast was wrong and it was more than a bit cold, in fact it never got over -7 so sure enough everything freezes up. Black water drain (from the shitter), Grey water drain (from the sinks) and the fresh water tank drain lines. Perfect

So I MacGuyver up a set up, put the Coleman lantern under the trailer, and use about a mile of tinfoil to make a shroud around the pipes, two hours later I have success and get the black and grey tanks empty, quick shower and head home.

Well now everything freezes up again. Just great.

So the next day it looks like it is going to warm up enough to work on it and get it fully winterized (drain all the lines and tanks and fill with RV Antifreeze). Now my main fresh tank drain line is frozen and I figure since it is far under the trailer I will give it some help with a space heater. I get it all set up, no problem back in the house. I go out to work on it, figure might as well have a cigar.........grab a Cohiba Siglo I and off I go.

Great smoke, enjoying it............but only get to smoke half. Why you say............bad burn, nope.......plugged, nope.........

As I am working the line I grab a wrench and go to take out the plug, in the process I knock half the heater off on my chest. phuck, I am lying in a pool of ethanol with a heater on my chest.............what happens I panic thinking I am about to burst into flames... take a deep breath..........phuck me the cigar is still in my yap and I get a lung full of smoke. That freaks me out more, I sit up...........oh crap I am under the trailer WHAM right on the I am rolling out from under the trailer in the ethanol, wet snow........oh ya and the grey water that I drained out of the tank earlier coughing my brains out and my wrist is burnt where I rubbed the heater off, and a lump on my head.

Stand up, I have a half crushed Sig I in my teeth, I am wet and cold, I smell like a sewer and ethanol cocktail, my head is pounding and my wrist is burnt, and my lungs feel like I doused them in gasoline and lit a match.

42 years old and all I could think was...............I want my mom

I like to think I am a somewhat smart individual, that day I thought maybe Darwin missed me in the whole evolution thing.

Does that qualify as a cigar mishap?
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