Thread: Tom Brady
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Old 05-09-2015, 08:42 AM   #54
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Default Re: Tom Brady

Cheating is cheating - period. The excuse by those at the top that they didn't know is a weak attempt to avoid responsibility. The owners, manager and QB need to man-up and take responsibility rather than slither away and let the worker bees take the heat. This goes for any team, any sport. It is very unlikely that the equipment guys did the deflating on their own. Sad that fans will support cheaters at all costs and minimize any wrong-doing. IMHO, this seriously tarnishes the status of a Super Bowl.
In many other sports, cheating of any kind can and does negate a win. Armstrong won by cheating and was stripped of his medals. In the Olympics, cheaters are stripped of medals. Why not the NFL? My fav teams are Denver and Tampa Bay, but if they cheated, they would deserve to be stripped of the win. Nobody should be exempted. My
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