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Old 08-09-2009, 05:45 PM   #13
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Default Re: Any experience with

Originally Posted by captain53 View Post
Never heard of them myself but looked at site and some prices seem too good to be true, Knockoffs Maybe????

This item is about $100 under normal pricing for Boston Cutter, looks like one but notice the name Boston is not mentioned: Our Price: $187.50, Normally sold around $285 - $300.
I own one of the Boston Cutters and while there are "copies" of these they are not the same at all, I promise you. I also own the "Little Guy" V Cutter and there are exact copies of these in cigar shops and online. Again, these are copies and while they look like them they do not operate the same. The copies of the "Little Guy" are a POS and do not operate with any kind of precision,,,they are stiff, they do not slide easily, they don't cut the same, the materials are cheap. Yes, they are expensive as I paid $100 for "The Little Guy" 10 years ago,,,but it cuts the same today as it did when I bought it,,,like new.
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