Thread: Tom Brady
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Old 05-10-2015, 09:56 AM   #72
Porch Dweller
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Default Re: Tom Brady

"Integrity of the administration"? You mean the NFL administration that would have swept the Ray Rice incident under the table if it hadn't been for TMZ getting the footage? Yeah, they're a beacon of integrity. And I could type dozens of more examples, but won't waste my time. People either realize that the "Integrity of the administration" is a joke or willfully turn a blind eye to it so they can continue to enjoy football.

I know that I'm a cynical bastage, but I find it hard to believe that people actually think professional sports leagues act out of anything except for self-interest. I hate to burst people's bubbles, but when BILLIONS of dollars are at stake, people look for any advantage they can get. Hell, people will do that when hundreds of dollars are at stake.

And maybe it's my cynicism at work again, but when incidents occur - like Brady's Balls (phrasing) and there's an outcry of naive, self-righteous indignation over it, I can only shake my head at the cognitive dissonance that people engage in in order to avoid the truth about their favorite sport. Ray Lewis knows who savagely murdered two men, yet won't divulge that information to police in order to give the families of the slain closure and peace. Yet Ravens fans just kept cheering him on as he did his stupid, spastic dance before games. I found that disgusting. Ravens fans didn't...or did, yet wouldn't admit it to themselves as long as Lewis kept playing well.

Aaron Rodgers flat-out bragged about sneaking over-inflated balls into games. Unlike the NFL report on Brady with its constant use of "probably", and "perhaps", and "may have", and "possibly", Rodgers is unequivocally guilty of the infraction you all seem so upset about (lawsuits? REALLY?!?). No one cares. Packers fans on this board, do you care? Packers fans' response.

As for "role models", I'll defer to George Carlin: "If your kid needs a role model and you ain't it, you're both ----ed."

If truly guilty, should Brady be punished? Sure. But to be blunt, some of the punishments people in this thread are advocating are utterly ridiculous (lifetime ban? REALLY?!?).

And, with that, I think I'm done with this topic. No offense meant to anyone, and peace...
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