Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 01-29-2009, 12:13 PM   #34
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Default Re: LOST Notes

10. Ms. Hawking's first name was revealed to be Eloise in the enhanced version of last week's episode which played last night at 8pm. This should ring a bell!!! Faraday's rat (who he experimented on) was named Eloise! Also, the young, female Other from the island is named Ellie... as in short for Eloise. I think we just saw that both Widmore and Ms. Hawking were once Others together at the same time. This could explain why Widmore funded Faraday's research. Widmore was an Other along with Ms. Hawking who appears to be Faraday's mother.

11. Unanswered questions, there are still so many... who are the Adam and Eve skeletons from the caves, what is the Smoke Monster, who built that 4-toed statue, what is up with Christian Shepherd, why did Jack find an empty coffin on the island, why was Christian Shepherd wearing white sneakers with a suit on the island, how can Miles talk to the dead, just how old is Richard and where does he buy his eyeliner, who is Jacob, etc...

12. It seems as though Richard had no idea of the time travel abilities of the island at the time of the bomb however soon after it seems as if he's jumping around time and knows of time-travel. The suggestion that Faraday has is for them to bury the bomb.
Could it be possible that this bomb's explosion underground could be the cause of the vast amount of energy that has caused all the time travel and strange happenings on the island?
13. Remember the frozen donkey wheel that Ben turned to move the island? Doesn't it look like an old ship's wheel? Perhaps the Black Rock's?

14. Anyone remember the scene from The Other 48 Days, where Ana Lucia talks to Goodwin about that US Army knife she found? This episode answered how it got there.

15. It appears that Neil (Frogurt) was not on the Zodiak when Faraday was headed to the freighter, but that he was on it when they were returning to the island.... see the attached photos. Could just be a production error, but thought I'd mention it.

16. Taken from a message board: Going WAY back to the very first episode of LOST: "the captain of flight 815 wears WWII pilot's wings. This alone could be chalked up to nostalgia, but then so do the flight attendants, and so does that rotten traitorous flight-attendant Cindy. These wings were issued to airmen only during the WWII era, and were changed just afterward. There's no logical reason for everyone on board to have a pair. In that pilot episode, the camera focuses specifically on the wings when Kate finds them in the jungle."

17. And now take the librarian (see attached photo Libarian 2) from this week, who happens to be the very same woman who Hurley hugs right before he gets on flight 815 (see attached photo Librarian 1). The library screencaps are hard to see but she was played by the same actress. Remember back when Hurley was getting on flight 815. She actually uses the phone and checks with someone named Hunter before letting Hurley on the flight, telling him that it's his lucky day. Was Hurley supposed to make the flight? The woman at the other counter didn't seem to think so. But Jenna helps get him on the plane, even after the jetway closed. I'm guessing that these repeatedly used characters have been implanting themselves at various points throughout time, showing up at the right moment(s) to help the main characters accomplish certain necessary tasks.

18. Someone is claiming...Behind Richard is what appears to be the Geiger counter... and I say "the" because we've already seen it with Desmond in the Swan hatch. What doesn't make sense is why the Geiger counter shows up in Locke's apartment during his flashback in Season 1. Hmmm. [I can't find screencaps to support this claim]

19. "Jughead" could very well be what's behind the Swan Hatch's concrete wall that Sayid found way back in season 2. The Others took Faraday's advice and buried it in concrete.

I'm not antisocial, I just think people are stupid.
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