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Old 03-13-2009, 06:30 AM   #51
Posts: n/a
Thumbs up Re: Stray black lab mix story.

We've had some chilly/wet weather lately and I didn't get to see Oprah Tuesday or Wednesday, but the food and water I put out was gone so I was hoping she was the one eating it.

Went out to her last night three different times and got to pet her each time. Also spoke to the lady who wants to adopt her and we're hoping to get moving on this today after work. I'm going to make sure she's available before trying to get a leash on Oprah. I don't want to spook her for no reason. I'm also hoping she won't bite, not that she's ever given any indication that she would, but one can never tell.

Dogs seem to sense everything about us and are very keen on any changes, so I will have to be very calm cool and collected so maybe she'll stay that way too. I'm going to act like it's no big thing and just keep talking to her and will probably have a pocket full of shredded cheese to keep her interested. I'm going to attempt to slip a leash over one shoulder crossing over her chest and under the opposite leg then back up and pull it through the handle loop. This is how I took both Zoe and Rockie from the shelter when we adopted them and it worked pretty well, but they were glad to go with me.

I'm going to call the lady again tonight when I get home from work and work out any details, if the weather holds and we don't have to postpone. Getting Oprah on a Friday night and having Saturday and Sunday to spend alone with her should be a good start for them both before she has to return to work Monday. I've suggested a crate or large plastic kennel to keep her in in the garage in bad weather or back yard weather permitting, so she does not try to dig out and until she gets more comfortable with her new surroundings.

Based on the gray in her chin hair, Oprah's an older dog, I'd guess 6-8 maybe? I would feel so much better if the time she has left were to be shared with somebody who loves her and she could love.

Still hoping for the best. As Oat Willie said "Onward Through the Fog"!
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