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Old 07-03-2014, 01:06 PM   #19
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Default Re: What's your favorite rub?

Originally Posted by pektel View Post
I can imagine it's much less work to use the electric grinder. Do you see any flavor differences when using the blade grinder? I only ask because my coffee can get a metallic flavor (and be more bitter) when using a blade grinder as opposed to the burr grinder.

And I know it's a small way to burn calories, but I don't exactly eat the healthiest. I kinda like every little bit of exercise I can get.
I haven't noticed any flavor difference between the blade grinder and the mortar & pestle. I suspect that the differences you are tasting in the coffee are something is likely to only come out when you seep the isolated compound (in this case coffee beans) in water for a period of time. It might also be something specific to coffee too.

Coffee grinders work better with larger volumes, so if all you have to grind is 1/2 tsp of, say, cumin, you're probably better off with a mortar. Now, if you have that 1/2 tsp + another table spoon or two worth of other spices combined, the grinder is going to kick ass. Especially if you are like me and start making rubs up 2-4 cups worth at a time.

They both have their place, I just find myself using the coffee grinder more than the mortar, even on 1-2 TBS batches.

I suppose you could use an inexpensive burr grinder too, like the $25 cuisinarts, but not all spices will fit into the bur or fall properly (allspice berries and bay leaves come to mind). Others might require grinding in batches due to their size or weight (like you might have to grind pepper separately from oregano for example).
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