Thread: LOST Notes
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Old 05-07-2009, 01:30 PM   #196
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Default Re: LOST Notes

Originally Posted by kaisersozei View Post
Thanks, Bao!

Okay, I need someone to help me with capturing a screen shot. Here's what I'm trying to get: during the scene in this episode where Daniel & Eloise are having lunch (without the girlfriend...) there's a camera angle that includes both of them talking to each other across their table. I noticed that it was a really odd shot, because I thought that they were so far apart from each other--there was this big open space between them. Well, at the center of that open space, there was a woman sitting across the restaurant and she was turned at a really awkward angle, looking up at a painting/photo hanging on the wall behind her. This scene went on for a little while, and the woman never moved, even when they cut to a close-up of Daniel & then Eloise, she was still looking up at that painting/photo when the camera returned to that shot. It was really odd, too odd to be accidental.

So I'm interested to see what she was looking at. Anyone help out here, or point me to it? Or am I just over analyzing & looking too hard for weird crap like this?
A screen capture can be done by 1) pressing screen capture key on keyboard, then 2) pasting (cntl-V) into any program that is capable of accepting copy/pasted images into a document.
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