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Old 09-13-2009, 04:47 PM   #10
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Default Re: Sam Gawith 1792 Flake

Well I was able to try some of this yesterday. I had ordered bulk. I'm not sure how much or if it differs from the tinned stuff. I must say I really liked it quite a bit. It shot to pretty much the top of the charts so far and I can't foresee any subsequent bowls of this stuff dropping it any lower on my list. My batch didn't seem moisture heavy from what I could tell. What kind of worried me was the reports of a healthy dose of nicotine since I don't seem to handle vitamin N too well... I was quite surprised when I couldn't detect any ill affects from nicotine. This stuff was quite pleasant to prep and smoke. Even in a pretty new pipe w/o much of a cake this stuff burned well with out needing too much attention. I was using a hurker bent brandy (2.5+ in. deep bowl) that I acquired not too long ago. I think that pipe may have to be dedicated to it from now on though, it still wreaks of usage enough to make my nose twitch and my eyes a bit watery today. Hopefully a good airing out will cut that down but I don't think it can be used for much else unless I alcy treat it. Other then the unforeseen dedication of my brandy pipe I lub this stuffz!

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