Thread: Mac Or PC
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Old 04-10-2010, 10:09 AM   #11
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Default Re: Mac Or PC

Greg, I have had a 24" Imac for two years now. It was the previous year's model which makes it about three years old now. I love it and have had only one problem ever. The HD crashed once. I have Apple Care and it was fixed, at no additional cost, within a week. I also have the wireless HD/router called "Time Machine." This allowed me to restore all of my info easily after the Mac got fixed. The Time Machine is constantly performing automatic backups every hour. I did have to reload Windows via Bootcamp and lost that info though. The entire experience was fairly painless. I've never had a PC that has lasted this long.

As far as price is concerned you can spend anywhere from just over $1000 to $2000 depending on size and features. For that the higher end model you will get your moneys worth and not have to upgrade for a very long time. I would suggest you buy your own memory though. Especially since you can easily pop in up to 16G of it!

It only has ONE wire by the way.
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