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Old 12-20-2009, 12:26 PM   #16
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Default Re: Who's had their gall bladder out?

had mine out this year also,their is a test they can give you the result that determines whether your gaul bladder works is called a,retraction fraction,they inject the fats that cause flairups and monitor the bladder,before they had this chemical ,they would make you eat a greasy cheeseburger and fries, I believe a normal reading on the fraction is anything above 30,mine was a 6 ,2 weeks later had the surgery laproscopic,not to bad they blow your stomach up with air,to seperate all the organs i guess,stay away from any fiber foods after the surgery,I have been diagnosed with IBS so the surgery didnt do that much for me,running to the bathroom after meals is a way of life for me,especially anything with cream like alfredo sauce,,,good luck
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