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Old 08-01-2009, 12:09 AM   #7
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Default Re: 7 year old takes family car.

Originally Posted by alley00p View Post
Well, I have a comment, and it's not "nice driving".

While watching the video report of the whole family sitting there, smiling as if "Oh well, it came out ok", I wanted to take that Dad and punch him! What I saw was a spoiled little brat, with over-permissive parents.

Having had a member of my family get T-boned by some doofus who ran a red light while he was busy changing a CD and who wasn't paying attention to his driving, I wasn't amused in the least. The Dad sounded as if he was actually proud of the kid, just relieved that the kid returned home.

If the Police showed up at my house and could show me that my 7 year-old (and I've had 4 of them) took my car for a joyride in the morning like that and forced them into a pursuit, I would have urged them to take him into the station and let him sit in a cell for a while. And his punishment wouldn't be "grounded for 4 days and no TV or video games".

The whole family all looked pretty happy with their 15 minutes of fame, though. Maybe the kid will be the basis of a new reality show - Steal a car for a joyride, but don't kill anyone while leading the police in a high speed chase" - It might rank up there with Idol and Dancing with the Stars.

Sorry guys, I didn't find this whole incident very funny at all.

I am with is this kid able to sit down after that....if I had done that at 7 I wouldn't have been able to....and he gets to be on TV for this....but poor kid doesn't get to watch himself on TV because he's grounded from it
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