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Old 07-29-2009, 09:53 AM   #47
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Default Re: Which new truck??

I voted Tundra....assuming you won't be going diesel with your given choices.

I have seen the Toyota put up with a lot more abuse and hold up better over the miles than anything else on the road. Don't know about resale value, but most of the time a Toyota will hold its value fairly well. 4-wheel drive systems don't get much better from the factory than Toyota. I have always driven American made trucks of my own and for work until the most recent, and it was a Tundra. I am a convert for sure. The four full door model has about as much leg room in the back as the Dodge Mega Cab, and those are the ONLY two vehicles that can comfortably seat four adults (I'm 6'5", if you're short you can probably ignore that).

Dirt roads took much longer to make the Tundra start to rattle than the dodge, ford, or GM trucks. It's inevitable, but it's nice to have the quiet last as long as it can. Didn't haul heavy trailers much, but I'm in the camp that feels if you are hauling heavy trailers on a regular basis you need a diesel.

The only other thing I will say is that for comfort, the fully loaded GM has the best seats of any truck on the market hands down.
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