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Old 05-16-2009, 10:21 AM   #113
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Default Re: Sleep Apnea Support/Questions Thread

Originally Posted by skullnrose View Post
Thanks for sharing you experience. It's always nice to know as much as possible before going into something like this.

Originally Posted by nozero View Post
First, thanks to the OP for starting this thread and to all who have replied thus far. I've found this to be very informative.

I was advised to go to a local sleep clinic a year or three back, but when I found out it costs at least my $250 annual per person deductable and I needed to have a colonoscopy as well, I opted for the latter. Perhaps I'll schedule an appointment in the near future.

I snore a lot and currently use Breath Rite strips that seem to help a little. I often wake up two to four time a night, but most often at least once around 02:30 - 03:00. I have some lower back issues as well and frequently switch from left to right side during the evenings rest. I'm not a very sound sleeper and when I travel, which is very seldom, I have much difficulty sleeping through the night, often waking up hourly or more. I don't know that I could sleep well or at all in a clinic regardless of the setting and comforts.

Again, thanks to all who have shared their experiences.

Seeing people getting the info, helping a family member, going for their tests or getting info for a more comfortable head set truly makes me smile. I really do hope you can get your test soon. I have traveled a lot with my sons hockey over the years and I never leave home without my machine.

I need to post up some travel tips for the traveling Apnea members.

Thank you for the very nice PM.
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