Thread: Watchmen
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Old 03-06-2009, 07:48 AM   #18
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Default Re: Watchmen

Saw it last night and all I can say is WOW. The movie is beautiful, the beginning credits did an amazing job of explain this alternate universe to the people who have not read the GN. There was a large chunk of the movie that you could have turned page by page the GN and matched it up exactly. The cast was very good, when they first announced who was playing Dan/Nighthawk 2 I was worried because he didn't look like the pudgy middle aged whiner that Dan did in the GN but man did he pull it off. Speaking of pulling it off holy crap, Jackie Earle Haley IS Rorschach. He finds a way to take the strange sentence structure that Rorschach used in the GN and make it work in spoken word. He was my favorite character in the GN and he lived up to it on the big screen. For the person who asked about the violence and the T&A your wife would probably walk out of this. This movie is a hard "R". Attempted rape, topless woman, insane violence, full frontal male nudity for large parts of the movie (lol no pun intended). I don't consider this a good one for the younger kids who can normally handle some of the other mild "R" movies.

The only downsides for me was it ran a bit long, or it felt like it at points and the guy who played Nixon was a way over the top characture of him. It made me take the scenes with him and Kissinger a lot less seriously.

The End is Nigh... so go grab your tickets and enjoy.
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