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Old 02-26-2009, 10:24 AM   #26
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Default Re: Martial Arts - What Do/Did You Study

Originally Posted by Hardcz View Post
Smart people realize they all compliment each other... save for TKD... that style just sucks

Also, no contest, bruce lee....
Hahaha, I've got a great TKD story.

I was a bluebelt and we got in a 4th degree who had a falling out with his TKD "master"* He was unsure about starting another style since he's spent 5 years in TKD (yes, that's right, 5 years to a 4th degree!). The weekend sparring class came around and my instructor didn't know who to pair him up against for his first time fighting (it was point-sparring that day). I got picked and wasn't sure was going to happen, the guy was a 4th degree TKD balckbelt afterall! The guy had some of the most beautiful flying, spinning kicks I'd ever seen. I stepped to the side as he was doing them at me and punched him in the head. he looked at me with the most confused look ever, sort of like a "where the hell did you go?" looks. This happened 2 more times and I was declared the victor. I have to give the guy credit though, he didn't give up. He lasted about 6 months before he decided he wanted to go back to TKD. He just couldn't figure out how to not fight in a straight line...

*we had a joke about TKD instructors back in the day: The day the get their 1st degree, they get a plane ticket to america. The get on the plane and they are a 2nd degree. The plane reaches altitude and the are a 3rd degree. Touchdown in America = 4th degree, and when they get off the plane, they are 5th degree masters...
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