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Old 02-23-2009, 11:37 PM   #8
Still Watching My Back
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Default Re: Slumdog Millionaire........

Honestly I haven't seen the other movies nominated but I would have been very surprised if this didn't win. I think that a big part of it for me was that I saw the movie back in november when there was almost no mention of it anywhere. I walked in expecting nothing and what I saw was amazing. I can't think of more than one or two movies that have made me feel such a range of emotion. There were parts of the movie where I laughed, parts that make me want to beat the crap out of somebody, parts that made me very sad, and parts that made the me hopeful that the world can make sense. In short I bought into this movie. It's rare that I do buy into fims, most of the time there is something off that will throw me out of it. In this case I was transported into the slums of India, and completely removed from my surroundings. For me at least I don't know if I ever want to see the movie for a second time just because the first experience was so complete.

I hate to build this up so much because I really do think that a lot of good movies get ruined because of built up expectations, but for anyone that hasn't seen Slumdog Millionaire, go see it. It really is worth the $10
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