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Old 10-12-2012, 05:11 PM   #44
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Default Re: Help. My Stinky is... broken?

I am sorry to hear that his customer service has declined so markedly. It has honestly been about 3 years since I've dealt with the man in person and in that time it sounds as if his product quality issues with outsourcing his manufacturing to India have continued. Without an in-country factory it is extremely cost ineffective to take care of returns, I understand where he's coming from as a businessman, he probably is taking all of these calls personally and is frustrated beyond belief. I get it, it's hard being pulled in that many directions.

Regarding a new career, believe me I'm taking steps to get out of customer service ASAP. It is a soul crushing, Sisyphean effort to be pleasant on a daily basis and deal with stupidity. What I have stated is a rather honest assessment of anyone working in customer service, I do not know a single person working customer service that does not curse their customers behind their backs and to each other. There is a reason that health insurers make these customer service only companies pay higher rates, almost everyone eats and smokes to get over the stressful nature of customer service.