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Old 12-15-2011, 07:22 AM   #14
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Default Re: DSLR Recommendations

We picked up a T2i bundle on Black Friday, and we've been very happy with it so far. Got the 18-55 and the 75-200 lenses with it. The T3i was a few hundred more, and we didn't feel that the minor (to us) upgrades were worth it. Wasn't sure that we'd use the swiveling function on the LCD display all that much. Did a bunch of reading and had narrowed it down to Nikon vs. Canon. One of the thigns we heard is that the Canon lenses were "universal", where the Nikon ones were not. Never checked that out, and when we looked at them and held them, the Canon just felt like a better fit for us. Now we just need to play and get some good pictures with it.
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