Thread: Bcs - wtf 2011
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Old 12-05-2011, 08:52 AM   #9
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Default Re: Bcs - wtf 2011

All I can say is "meh".

I'm just glad Boise isn't in any of the big games. Until they move to a conference where it's a fight EVERY week, they need to be undefeated to get in, and I'm OK with that. Of course, I lived in Boise for a couple years, and didn't like the attitude of the people and fans there, so I'm a bit biased.

Until they actually institute a playoff system, there will always be plenty of teams saying they got the shaft in terms of bowl games. Team X travels better than Team Y, even though Team Y is a better team, the bowl selects Team X. It's all about the Benjamins, baby! A playoff with neutral site games might fill the stadiums that they wouldn't fill otherwise. Maybe keep the "bowl games" for teams that don't make it into the tourney. The NIT still draws fans when the "Road to the Final Four" is going on.
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