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Old 11-10-2011, 07:10 AM   #11
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Default Re: Converting house to LED light bulbs

Originally Posted by ninjavanish View Post
So doing some quick research and math... Something just doesn't add up to me with the led lights as a cost savings.

According to the Energy Star website it claims that on average the led will save about $6 per year on energy and about $40 over the span of its lifetime. If the bulb itself costs $40 then you haven't saved any cost at all really. Most places I look have 75w incandescent bulbs for about $1 a piece. So even if you have to replace the incandescent every 2 months (which I highly doubt) you are still on par with the yearly broken down cost of an led
Bulb ($40 / 6 years = $6.66 cost per year of usage for LEDs)

So with a little quick albeit potentially flawed math the cost/benefits analysis seems to show that you would still actually save money by sticking to incandescent.

However if you are one of the greenie tree hugger types that needs to believe that they have somehow protected an emperor penguin by spending $40 on a lightbulb... Then LEDs are definitely for you.
If this is the link you're looking at, that is not talking about LED bulBs, it's talking about plain old bulbs with an energy star rating

Thanks everybody for the input. I'll probably buy a few and test them out in the kitchen

If nothing else, I figure the bulbs have a 6 year warranty on them, and are supposed to last for up to 23 years. If they only last 6, how many light bulbs do you go through in that time. 30 dollars for 6 years of light bulbs seems like a fair trade to me, not even counting in any possible energy savings
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