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Old 10-19-2011, 08:44 AM   #1
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Default I love Grimms' Coffee

Now, everybody knows I'm a coffee nut.


There was once even a rumor that I was associated with some shadowy group known as the Coffee Borg. Best not to speak of them, they WILL assimilate you. For the record, it was just a rumor, never proven and I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of any shadowy groups.

Love, Love Love me some coffee

Now, it's going to become even more of an obsession.

I'd like to lick Coffee all over

I'd like to eat Coffee

I'd like to slurp Coffee

I'd like to have Coffee morning, nooners and night

I'd like to do unmentionables with Coffee

me and Coffee, sitting in a tree, f***ing
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