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Old 10-06-2011, 12:02 PM   #19
Lonely Raven
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Default Re: "Out Of Cigars" Cigar Band Project #1

Originally Posted by thechrisdotcom View Post
Didn't even catch the glue in the pic, haha.

I have a crap load of beer coasters too. I'd love to make a table with them, but I have a feeling the polyurethane will soak the coasters and mess up the color of them.

Definitely ask your wife for some ideas, that'd be awesome! Thanks!

With cigar bands, I'd glue them as the OP is doing, then coat the whole finished board with either Puzzle Glue (literally what it sounds like and can be purchased at Walmart), or get a proper clear coat for artwork from an art supply store (it's more expensive, higher quality, and wont color the work like hardware store spray clearcoat).

For anything with some thickness to it, if I wanted a clear/clean top, I would either have a glass top made for it, or do the polyu just like you're thinking. It probably *wont* mess with the color, but might give the coasters a wet look. It's basically like a two part, super clear epoxy. Mix the two parts really well, and pour over surface, let gravity level it out.
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