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Old 06-03-2011, 09:52 AM   #250
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Default Re: Tatuaje Saints & Sinners club

Originally Posted by muhren View Post
Next food for thought on this club...analogy style!

To take it into the golf world...

Is this like a country club mentality type thing?

Meaning...those that joined feel great while they're there (get hard to find cigars), and others want to play (who doesn't want to try a nice HTF cigar?) but can't afford it, OR chose that it's not worth the money to join when a nice public course is available just up the street (regular production smokes). But, if someone invited them onto the course (in this case shared HTF cigars) they certainly wouldn't say no to them.

A buddy of mine was courted to join a country club, and he was telling me some numbers...CRAZY out of my league, but he's a, not out of his. But, if he joined and asked me to play. I'm in!

Long thought shortened - If I was invited to a country club to play the course, darn right I'm playing! So, in this S&S case...if offered some of the elusive 15, who would turn them down?

Anyway...thoughts on the comparison? While we're at it...any country club members wanna chime in with why it's better than public course play?


Let me preface by saying that I did join the S&S club will I renew who know but most likely I will .

From what you're saying we get to "pop our collars" because were in a club? . Please understand no disrespect to you or the S&S club and members. The way I see the club, it's just something that's there. Hell I am sure all of us would make donations to CA if and when the time comes. And that's all I see it as, a donation to a website to something that I enjoy!

Are we as members getting something extra out of the deal, sure but it's really nothing more than what's really offered at other websites. There are some onetime deals out there but just like the WTB section out of any forum it's a fist come first serve. It's not like their offering the HTF to strictly members (I may be wrong) or members get the first shot at them, but regardless it's still a first come first served.

Again no disrespect meant to Pete Johnson, S&S club and it's members but that's just how I feel.

I don't know it's early and my eyes aren't focusing right so I hope I made sense and didn't offend any one

Last edited by bonjing; 06-03-2011 at 09:59 AM.
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