Thread: Famous bundles
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Old 01-27-2011, 09:51 AM   #17
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Default Re: Famous bundles

Originally Posted by Cigahs View Post
Though pride sometimes plays a part, it's not the only reason cigar makers choose not to divulge their identity. Just remember they pay oodles of money to market their core brands. All that effort would be in vain if the general public would find out they can get comparable, if not identical, cigars they've overproduced at their factories for pennies on the dollar.

And that's all you'll get out of me. -- COWARD

Come on Man give us the straight skinny --- How did I know you'd be the first to see this!!!

Yea, I agree with the Pride (and reputation) issue. In response to it I think Famous helped Oliva turn this into a "lemons into lemonade" situation with the 3K (Notice how I am slyly trying to get you to respond to this). Let's just say 3K is Oliva (wink wink), no one better than you to tell us if your marketing of the 3K while "kind of" letting us know it is Oliva hasn't hurt you (Famous), Oliva, or the cigar smoker. IMO, in the end Oliva gets to sell lots of tobacco (as you reference above with regard to pennies of production), Famous gets to be the retailer of a great product and create some buzz around a bad law suit situation, and in the end the consumer gets a great cigar! WIN-WIN-WIN!!!!

But it is a slippery slope for a high end company like Oliva to sell a "cheaper" bundle (aside from their Flor de Oliva) and they could really impact the margins on their high end boxed cigars. but in the case of the 3K I think it has worked well for all involved. Hence, that is why you guys keep supplying this stick - and thanks for doing it. I think Holts took your lead in this regard and seized the opportunity when Pepin had extra tobacco. They saw how successful the Famous 3K was and voila we have the same marketing technique with Holt's LHO, except with Pepin not Oliva.

But Humberto, you more than anyone here should provide an answer to the OP --- which one do you like the best???

Originally Posted by wayner123 View Post
Just a FYI, I also talked with Ortega's PR person about the 3K and they were hush hush as well. Although they did leave me more with the impression that it was the same.

I didn't know that about the 7k. I'll have to get some and make some comparisons.

I thought I recall reading that someone had confirmed the LHO's to be from Pepin. At least the OR's they confirmed. I missed the boat on the OR LHO's only because I didn't have the funds at the time. I got some later and they tasted like Don Pepin seconds of the JJ line.

Sorry Wayner, still in the process of moving/building a new house and most of my stuff is at old place (1000 miles away). If I get back anytime soon I will try to dig out some LHO originals, LHO II, and Nic 7K for you to compare. No question Pepin in my view. Small LHO I's are just great - I also remember speculation about JJ seconds. As I said, I think LHO came about partially due to overproduction, partially excess tobacco they used for blending/rolling experimentation, and partially marketing/sales opportunity that aped what Famous was doing with the N3K. Again all of my opinion is just that - speculation.
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