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Old 01-16-2011, 11:27 AM   #22
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Default Re: cigar auctioneer vs. cbid?

C****s I***********l has gotten out of hand. I've been buying from them for over 10 years. I was there when c**d started and the deals were tremendous.
But C* sells a lot of crap now. They haven't figured out how to get their big friends to really develop some well made house brands for them like Famous does. Everybody makes several house brands for Famous and most are excellent and well priced. And you can knock another 34%-50% by getting them on cigarauctioneer.
I visit c**d now and again and it's like people don't check what the C* retail is on those same cigars and they end up paying too much. C* must laughing all the way to the bank.
Patel makes a ton of cigars for C* but they are mostly cheap tasting cigars. On Famous, they are superb.
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