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Old 01-06-2011, 11:47 PM   #13
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Default Re: Supplements you use- bodybuilding/weightloss

I am SURE I will get flak on this, but let me say this first before I say what I have just started taking: I am on a diet and exercise plan that I built myself that consists of sticking to about a 2,000 calories per day limit and working out for 1-2 hours daily with one hour of cardio and one hour of weightlifting. Just a few days ago I decided to just try out Hydroxycut. I am NOT taking this in hopes of it being a "magical weightloss pill", I am merely taking it in addition to my diet and exercise plan to see if it helps curb my appetite and aid me in keeping to my daily caloric intake. I have read hundreds of positive and negative reviews of this stuff and have simply decided to try it for myself. I figured a $15 investment for 1-2 months supply of this stuff is worth it if it helps, and if it doesn't, well, Hydroxycut just earned a one-time buyer. I'll let you know if a few weeks to a month if it is working out for me!
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