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Old 12-09-2010, 02:35 PM   #64
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Default Re: 12 Ronsons $17 until 8PM 12/9/10

Originally Posted by Skywalker View Post
But it said... "These Ronson Amero Lite butane torch lighters"!!!
Advertisements often say lots of things that are somewhat inaccurate or open to personal interpretation just to sell something, look at Arganese cigar descriptions in the ads, for example, they include words such as "delicious" and "tasty".

Ok, seriously now...

I agree, it's confusing. I haven't used this lighter myself, but the manufacturer doesn't even call it a torch or jet nor to they picture it as one. Take a look:

JETLITE - note the drawing of the jet flame and describing it as a torch

COMET - a soft flame - again, accurate flame picture

AMEROLITE - note the pair of short/small, stubby split flames and lack of manufacturer description as a torch. Yeah, technically it might be a torch due to the type of flame, but if the picture is accurate, I don't think it's the type of torch we prefer and are used to using around here.

I was contemplating about ordering myself, but I found the lack of mention of the product on the manufacturers website odd and that it was being closed out by an internet clearing house etailer kind of curious along with Albert's question was enough to make me go spend the 5 minutes to go find the product in the archives.

They might very well be some sort of torch, I dunno.

For basically the same money, I can just order the lighters from DealExtreme and I know exactly what I'll be getting.
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