Originally Posted by 688sonarmen
Question. Maybe I'm missing something but it takes at least 24 hrs to get the hygrometer up to 75% Rh in a very small sealed environment. So can't we expect the hygrometer to take just as long to read the Rh in your humidor? The reason I am asking is my humidor is 69% Rh with more than enough (65%) beads in it. I just calibrated my hygrometer 2 days ago and was wondering if the hygrometer needs a few days to drop to the range of the humidor.
Digital hygrometers can be off even after calibration. I've seen "drifts" from +/-1% to +/-10%.
The RH Beads also have a +/- 2% range, so this may explain the 69% reading (+2 on both accounts).
Additionally, weak batteries can account for inaccuracy in hygrometers as well as the quality of the hygrometer. One NIST cert. hygros are dead on but they run in the hundreds of $.
Opening and closing your humidor as well as adding and removing cigars can affect readings as well.
I hope this helps