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barbourjay 10-16-2008 02:19 PM

Pit bull adoption
So about a year ago my fiance's brother got his 2nd pit bull. The first had passed away shortly before and he decided he wanted another. He ended up with a red nose that was very loving and just generally an awesome dog. About the same time we decided to rescue a cat from the humane society and we had been thinking of getting a dog to pair it up with (an english bulldog). About 4 months ago her brother had to give the dog up (financial trouble) and he gave it to a close friend with a farm. The dog tragically was attacked by another dog who had escaped it's owner. The pit didn't fight back till it was near death and it eventually had to be put down. When i heard this i started thinking about getting a pit instead and we started looking around. Last week my fiance went the humane society again and they had some puppies that were a forced surrender to the police. It wasn't a red nose but oh well, I'm very pleased with him. He is turning out to be a great dog besides a little bit of kennel cough that he is on meds for. We aren't going to clip his ears (i had thought about it) but i am slowly crate training him. He is only 9 weeks old but he has already learned a few commands and i can't wait till he gets big. He was the biggest one in the litter. I'm hoping he will be about 100lbs. Here's a crappy cell phone pic

Those three pit's just reinforce what i really believe. It's never the breed and always the owner. Anyone else a pit bull fan?

Tombstone 10-16-2008 02:30 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
I hear ya brother. Pits are great dogs. My wife and I rescued a pit mix from the humane society about 11 months ago. When the pit was a pup no one would adopt it because it looked like a pit. Now he looks more like a lab with a pits face (all white with dark black/brown eyes). He is 55lbs and is tall and slender. He is a protector of the house though. Great dog. I will post a picture later

kgoings 10-16-2008 02:31 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
I like Pit's but have never owned one. I watched the Mike Vick thing on Animal Planet and learned alot about Pits. In only recent history have Pit's become known as vicious animals...its because they have a tremendous desire to please. And people have taken advantage of that and trained them to fight. If fighting is what pleases the owner then thats what the Pits do but its not their natural disposition.

Only 2 of all Vicks dogs had to be put down, I think at least 2 of the other dogs are currently working as rehabilitation or hospital visit dogs. Most if not all the others have been placed with familys. The workers said that none of them (besides the 2 that had to be put down) even showed agressiveness when they are taken in.

UK Bro 10-16-2008 02:31 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
He's a beaut bro, i'm a dog fan, got a nutty alsation! :ss

barbourjay 10-16-2008 02:46 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption

Originally Posted by kgoings (Post 12394)
I like Pit's but have never owned one. I watched the Mike Vick thing on Animal Planet and learned alot about Pits. In only recent history have Pit's become known as vicious animals...its because they have a tremendous desire to please. And people have taken advantage of that and trained them to fight. If fighting is what pleases the owner then thats what the Pits do but its not their natural disposition.

Only 2 of all Vicks dogs had to be put down, I think at least 2 of the other dogs are currently working as rehabilitation or hospital visit dogs. Most if not all the others have been placed with familys. The workers said that none of them (besides the 2 that had to be put down) even showed agressiveness when they are taken in.

A few of the dogs were given to a tattoo artist who I've met a few different times. Brandon Bond is one of the biggest pit bull rescue activists out there. I'll see if i can dig up the videos.

slimm 10-16-2008 02:49 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
APBT's are fantastic dogs. Good luck and do not tolerate a man biter. I raised APBT's in the late 80's before folks went nuts. IMO I hope he does not get anywhere near 100lbs. The gamedog was never meant to anywhere near that large.

I have always argued that they are the best dog to have with children due to their tollerance for pain. Good luck and take care of that dog. If you ever need any info or have any questions, please feel free as I still have a boatload of info etc..


spincycle 10-16-2008 02:49 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
I love Pittys. Hell, I love most breads, and I firmly believer that there are no bad dog, just bad owners.

This morning, I woke up, tired, and not particular cheerful about dragging my ass into work. But my dog, Toby, was a bundle of happiness. Happy that it's a new day, happy to see me, happy to have breakfast. Dogs keep me in check and always provide me with a different perspective on life. :)

Glad that your life has been enriched by this little guy.

AriesOpusX 10-16-2008 02:54 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
I want one, beautiful dogs. Good luck with him.

Tombstone 10-16-2008 02:57 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
Dang...this thread is going to make me want to get another dog. I already have two.:ss

icantbejon 10-16-2008 03:01 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
I have a couple pit mixes and I love them to death. Dogs are a huge part of my life though. I have three at the house and if someone offered up another one, I'd probably take it. Great looking puppy you have there. I'll definitely say that crate training is the way to go.

mikeyj23 10-16-2008 03:27 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
I think Pit Bulls are some of the most beautiful dogs around. Coloring, build, coat - great dog. I'm at the dog park regularly with my two, and some of the pits there are the friendliest dogs I've ever met (beside my own, of course). Congrats on the new friend!

pcozad1 10-16-2008 03:57 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
I had a pit for fourteen years . Best dog I have ever owned:ss

Blueface 10-16-2008 03:59 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
An adopted female from the Humane Society.
She was found on the street stray, as a puppy.
A wonderful, sweet, great dog.
Not an ounce of meaness.
55 lbs of nothing but gratefulness to be part of the family.

Forgot to mention, friendly to all dogs. Never aggressive. Looks at you wondering why other dogs go nuts when they see her and try to attack her. Gets beaten up by my Maltese and Yorkie and has never retaliated.
It is not the dog. It is the people that own the dog that make it what it is. I truly believe that with Layla.

barbourjay 10-16-2008 04:59 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
anyone have any tips for crating. he still is randomly pissing and craping in the house but maybe once a day.

slimm 10-16-2008 05:10 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
What do you want to know?

barbourjay 10-16-2008 05:12 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
the easiest way for him to get his leash when he needs to go outside.

Blueface 10-16-2008 05:19 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
There is no easy way.
It takes time.
After a while, they tell you when they want to go.
They will give you that look or scratch on the door or get you the leash.
Just have to dedicate time to housebreaking him.
The crate is something most of them won't do it in if they learn to identify it as home.
Some are hard headed as my Maltese was and crapped in it out of spite I bet.
When Layla came over to my house, my daughter had her for about a year prior. I had to train her. Fortunately, she learned fast.

Good luck.
Meant to mention earlier that your pup is beautiful.

Blueface 10-16-2008 05:43 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption

Please don't consider cropping the ears.
I did that to a Dobie many, many years ago and it was not nice to see.
As I grew older, I imagined what it would be like if my mom and dad cut my ears off.
As you can see, Layla has hers and looks great.
It sounds to me like you want a friend and not a Pit in the traditional sense owners want them.
I truly think keeping them as they are allows them to show their "kind" face and be loved by all.
Layla is the joy of the neighborhood.
I have to take her leash off and let her run with the neighbor's dogs and with the kids around the house.
She plays ball with all of them.
I rather have that than a mean dog that can bite someone and perpetuate a bad rap they have.

Mustang1 10-16-2008 05:57 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption
1 Attachment(s)
Pits are fantastic dogs. One adopted me just this past winter.
He was shivering in the February cold so hard I could have sworn I heard his bones rattle. This is him the night I brought him home. We washed him and gave him a blanket, he just slept and slept. We named him Stanley. He's the most greatful dog I have ever had. I have three other dogs, a dobie, another pit mix and a Jack Russel. The dobie is the only one we actually bought.

Blueface 10-16-2008 06:13 PM

Re: Pit bull adoption

Originally Posted by Mustang1 (Post 13176)
Pits are fantastic dogs. One adopted me just this past winter.
He was shivering in the February cold so hard I could have sworn I heard his bones rattle. This is him the night I brought him home. We washed him and gave him a blanket, he just slept and slept. We named him Stanley. He's the most greatful dog I have ever had. I have three other dogs, a dobie, another pit mix and a Jack Russel. The dobie is the only one we actually bought.

White spots too.

The part in bold?
I swear I would have said this but was afraid I was nuts.
I truly believe they are grateful.
Don't know what it is but they are.
Seems yours, the OP's and mine all had a similar initial fate but were amongst the lucky to find loving homes.

I tell everyone mine is a true ambassador for the good side of their breed.

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