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Ahbroody 09-17-2010 03:58 PM

FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
Screwing around with the Boy in the living room I toss a plastic ball to him toss it high he misses it hits the plasma and POP.

Not a crazy expensive plasma just a 42incher, but over 700 and as a result I have no budget for cigars for the next few months. You would think an adult with a fair amount of education would be smarter than that. Nope :td Texted the wife and she is pissed to put it nicely. In the middle of refing the house. No spare money.

UUUUUUgggggggh Today has become a very bad day. Had to move the little bedroom tv to the living room and here my son ask me 20 questions about why I did that and how I should have been more careful. Nothing like getting chastised by a 4 year old

Montano 09-17-2010 04:00 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
Reminds me of a Brady Bunch episode........ "Dad says never play with BALLS in the house !"

pektel 09-17-2010 04:01 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
That sucks, dude. My LCD screen has absorbed a few hits from my 3 year old throwing various things. Scares me every time.

The Poet 09-17-2010 04:19 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
A friend of mine who owns a TV shop has told me the number one cause of broken flat screens is people hitting them with their Wii wands while playing some damn game. As nice as these new plasma/LCD/LED screens are, they are much more fragile than the old CRT ones.

T.G 09-17-2010 04:25 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 992176)
A friend of mine who owns a TV shop has told me the number one cause of broken flat screens is people hitting them with their Wii wands while playing some damn game. As nice as these new plasma/LCD/LED screens are, they are much more fragile than the old CRT ones.

All kinds of great Wii damage on that site.

kelmac07 09-17-2010 04:26 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
Sorry to hear...for the tv and the cigar fundage.

massphatness 09-17-2010 04:41 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months

I know I shouldn't giggle, Mike. I apologize.

ahc4353 09-17-2010 04:47 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
A ball! A hockey puck I can understand but a phuckin ball! Shame on you for playing with a ball.

icehog3 09-17-2010 05:08 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
I am bummed for you Mike...the wife being pissed, and the stoppage in the cigar parade.

Ahbroody 09-17-2010 05:24 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
FU Vin!

Al we have a strict no stick puck rule in the house do to previous breakage of items. Again you think I would no better. We still like baseball over here.

Tom I guess its a good thing I made those 2 orders last week. What sucks is I foynd a different Oct 05 box and am thinking I may sell the siglo 1 oct 05 box and something else to sneak the purchase in.

Not to mention the 500 deposit on micahs hockey fees. Dont worry Al hockey goes above all luxuries in this house.

BlackDog 09-17-2010 06:12 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
How come she's pissed at you? HE'S the one who missed the catch. I'd take it out of his allowance for the next 18 years. :D

mike 09-17-2010 06:18 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
good luck with that

awsmith4 09-17-2010 06:40 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
Sorry to hear that brother, it could be worse you could have broken the vino

shilala 09-17-2010 06:41 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
That just plain sucks. Period.

mariogolbee 09-17-2010 07:01 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
Mike, I have a Phillips 32" flat screen 1080i CRT TV with remote in the garage doing zilch at the moment. When are you free to get it to your place for at least a temporary replacement?

Edit: P.S. You're not stupid for this. Trying to have fun with your kid/s is a very intelligent thing for a man to do. It's okay to sometimes make mistakes when this happens. I bet your kid will remember the good time you guys had playing ball in the house up until the crash. You can't buy good memories like that.

Ahbroody 09-17-2010 07:59 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
I swear I didnt throw it hard.

Thanks for the offer mario. We dont really use the bedroom tv though so I should be good. If that changes I will hit you up.

ninjavanish 09-17-2010 08:02 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
How many cigars do you smoke in two months?

pektel 09-17-2010 08:11 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months
the generosity of this place seriously chokes me up sometimes. What a bunch of stand up guys we have here. No better group of gents out there. :tu
Posted via Mobile Device

Eleven 09-17-2010 08:29 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months

Dooooooood :(

I feel for you.

qwerty1500 09-17-2010 09:58 PM

Re: FML just lost my cigar budget for 2 months

Originally Posted by Ahbroody (Post 992156)
Nothing like getting chastised by a 4 year old

Sort of stings doesn't it?

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