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cigarmonkel 01-26-2010 06:55 AM

WoW (world of warcraft)
Hate to admit it, but im hooked. I logged onto my blizzard account to download warcraft 3 FT cause i had an itch for some custom maps. Low and behold they decided to give me a free week of game time on WoW... we all know thats like giving crack to an addict trying to quit. We all know what happened next, no need to go into detail as im still butt hurt about the fact im hooked again.

If there are any other WoW'ers out there, what servers are you guys?

Got an 80hunter (turkeymebiot) on anvilmar and a 70DK as my farming toon.

Don Fernando 01-26-2010 07:04 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
Mr.T makes world of warcraft look good


cigarmonkel 01-26-2010 07:41 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
i bet Mr. T would roll a horde toon.

DougBushBC 01-26-2010 07:54 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
I am unforunately a three time relapser. I have quit the game for 6 months at a time twice now, my first character started in 2004 in WoW Beta.

I have an 80 Troll Rogue on Lightning's Blade, an 80 Tauren Shaman on LB, and am now working on a 75 Draenai Warrior on Korgath.

I quit between each character. THe better half doesn't like it too much.

cigarmonkel 01-26-2010 07:57 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)

Originally Posted by DougBushBC (Post 735316)
I am unforunately a three time relapser. I have quit the game for 6 months at a time twice now, my first character started in 2004 in WoW Beta.

I have an 80 Troll Rogue on Lightning's Blade, an 80 Tauren Shaman on LB, and am now working on a 75 Draenai Warrior on Korgath.

I quit between each character. THe better half doesn't like it too much.

lol i have also quit multiple times.

First time was when my hunter was at 46 pre BC. Came back after wotlk was out got to 80 then i quit right as ToC came out and now im back.

Scothew 01-26-2010 08:35 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
I started in TBC with a troll hunter on firetree, got all teh way to high end game stuff.. LK came out, got burnt out by the time hunter was 77 so quit. Recently got started back on an alliance server and got a druid to 80. Me, Poe, Xcytez and Goldngt all play on blackhand.

GoldnGT 01-26-2010 08:39 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
I started in vanilla back in 05 i think it was. I'm was playing a horde priest on Firetree, then I took a year off when i was getting married, in dec 08.. just started back up recently about 2 months ago... playing an alliance priest on blackhand.

BFallehy 01-26-2010 08:43 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
I will admit to this aswell.

I started playign WoW in 2005 shortly after the launch and played for about a year or so then quit for a while. I got back into it at the start of BC with a bunch of friends. We all started new characters on a new server and leveled up together. Now I have 2 lvl 80 characters, a mage and paladin, and I don't see myself quiting anytime soon. I just have too many friends who I play with, yes real life friends. :r

chenvt 01-26-2010 08:45 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
Ungh never going back.. By the time I quit (before the first expansion), I had a NE rogue in 2.5/3 gear with two of those pine tree looking swords, a NE druid in full Tier 2 (tanking through the lava level just for shits and giggles), and dwarf priest in Tier 1/2 shadow gear for PvP/dps.. Oh and a 19 undead PvP twink and a 60 tauren shaman.. Ran raids nightly, and farmed inbetween. Total game clock time over the course of 1.5 years? 143 days.. Granted a lot of that was me using fishing macros at night, but still..

I saw the WoW South Park episode when it came out and a day later, put my account for sale on fleabay at a Buy it Now of $500 (estimated value was probably more around $1k) and it sold in 2 minutes.. Since then, every time I get the itch to go back, I watch that South Park episode :D

duckmanco 01-26-2010 08:58 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
got to admit, this is making me chuckle a bit.... you guys sound like smokers who can't seem to shake it, is the game that bad (or good depending)???

Reading this both makes me want to avoid it and start in equal parts..

BFallehy 01-26-2010 09:03 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)

Originally Posted by chenvt (Post 735369)
Ungh never going back.. By the time I quit (before the first expansion), I had a NE rogue in 2.5/3 gear with two of those pine tree looking swords, a NE druid in full Tier 2 (tanking through the lava level just for shits and giggles), and dwarf priest in Tier 1/2 shadow gear for PvP/dps.. Oh and a 19 undead PvP twink and a 60 tauren shaman.. Ran raids nightly, and farmed inbetween. Total game clock time over the course of 1.5 years? 143 days.. Granted a lot of that was me using fishing macros at night, but still..

I saw the WoW South Park episode when it came out and a day later, put my account for sale on fleabay at a Buy it Now of $500 (estimated value was probably more around $1k) and it sold in 2 minutes.. Since then, every time I get the itch to go back, I watch that South Park episode :D

I love that South Park episode. :tu

See I have a built in way to keep me from playing too much, and that is a girlfriend who will use threats of physical violence if I don't turn off the computer and spend time with her. :r

cigarmonkel 01-26-2010 02:40 PM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
you all are a bunch of R-TARDS!

white_s2k 01-26-2010 02:48 PM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
Always been interested in the game, but refuse to let myself play in fear of getting hooked. I already play MW2 enough... This would be overkill! :D

mariogolbee 01-26-2010 02:54 PM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
I have an addictive personality so I won't touch this game. I have a friend who would leave his security post unattended while nobody was there in the middle of the night, drive 30 minutes back home where he lived with his grandmother, sneak in through his bedroom window so she wouldn't know, play WoW, and return to work before shift change. He did this nearly every work night. I think he was 30 at the time. The game has consumed him so badly that he calls and associates with nobody.

By the way. He moved back to his grandmother's because his addiction to the game defeated the relationship with his girlfriend of 6 years with whom he lived.

I don't touch this game. I know I'd love it too much.

DougBushBC 01-27-2010 03:31 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)

First time was when my hunter was at 46 pre BC. Came back after wotlk was out got to 80 then i quit right as ToC came out and now im back.
Basically the same quit timeline as me. I quit immediately pre-BC with mostly 2.5/3 gear on my rogue, was one of the early raiders in 40Naxx. Came back 2 weeks before LK came out, powerleveled the shaman in 2 weeks to 70, and then blasted to 80 to start raiding (a few server firsts, world top50 Glory of the Raider/Immortal). Quit after taking down Yogg Saron very early in progression. Just rejoined a few weeks ago, leveling my Warrior is a blast.

cigarmonkel 01-27-2010 08:06 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
thats what i should roll next.. a shammy!

chenvt 01-27-2010 04:52 PM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)

Originally Posted by cigarmonkel (Post 736683)
thats what i should roll next.. a shammy!

paladins ftw.. nothing says loving like pre-nerf bubbles!

PeteSB75 01-28-2010 07:37 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
I've been clean for about 18 months now. It is an addiction, and I decided there were other things I preferred to do with my life than stare at a computer screen. So now I stare at a TV screen :r

Gargoyle 01-28-2010 07:54 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
Been addicted many times. I'm Horde on Burning Legion (pvp) and catch grief from my wife every time I log on. She doesn't get it that you can't just step away from the computer at a moments notice when you are in an instance run or have a bunch of evil Allies lurking nearby. :(

My character names are Graycliff, Fuente, Padron, Oliva, Tatuaje, Partagas, Perdomo, Macanudo and Fonseca.

Sounds like I suffer from multiple addictions.

cigarmonkel 01-28-2010 08:11 AM

Re: WoW (world of warcraft)
i think pally tanks are way to OP right now...pre ICC i ran with a pally tank who pulled 6.5k dps on patch.. as a tank... in a 10man.. wtf? also one of THE BEST tanks i've ever run with. as a hunter my feign death button is literally a life saver.. didn't use it once that run.

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