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merry12 07-14-2011 07:53 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Again, let nature take it's course. Once a cigar has run its course, it should naturally extinguish itself. It's poor cigar etiquette to "butt out" a cigar as it will create an unpleasant odor for everyone around you.

Duke9192 07-20-2011 03:54 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Thanks for the post. Great info.

Angry_Pirate 08-07-2011 08:10 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Good to know I'm not doing too much wrong:)

scotch&stogies 08-08-2011 05:25 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
I've been smoking cigars on and off for about 5 years and never did the nose exhale. When I read the OP it made a lot of sense that exhaling through my nose would be an important part of experiencing a cigar to the fullest.

With that in mind, I smoked an awesome Cohiba last evening and tried to exhale some of the smoke through my nose. I was definitely struggling with this and only had limited success. That being said, when it did work, I did notice the flavors of the cigar came to life on my palate.

I guess I need to keep working on my technique and hope I figure it out sooner rather than later. Any suggestions?

Moose6026 08-11-2011 11:29 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Fairly new to cigars...soooo much to learn

Aporschaguy 08-12-2011 12:12 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Great post... I agree a sticky for sure...

dannyboy 08-12-2011 12:25 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by scotch&stogies (Post 1366027)
I've been smoking cigars on and off for about 5 years and never did the nose exhale. When I read the OP it made a lot of sense that exhaling through my nose would be an important part of experiencing a cigar to the fullest.

With that in mind, I smoked an awesome Cohiba last evening and tried to exhale some of the smoke through my nose. I was definitely struggling with this and only had limited success. That being said, when it did work, I did notice the flavors of the cigar came to life on my palate.

I guess I need to keep working on my technique and hope I figure it out sooner rather than later. Any suggestions?

Continue the attempt. I was nowhere near perfect at this technique when I first tried it and had to concentrate very hard to get a bit of smoke out the nose. Practice make perfect, or at least good enough. After about a month of conscious effort to nose exhale it became habit and I now I find it impossible to mouth smoke only.

irratebass 08-12-2011 03:51 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Nice post and I need a better cutter, I picked up a cheapy for $1.49 and I hate it, cuts at an angle. I was taught to cut then light, but after seeing the cigar aficionado's youtube on the 3 match light I really want to try this......seems it will make my smoke more enjoyable.

Other than that I'm pretty much following by the rules heh. Thanks again, lots to learn, and right now I'm a sponge.

LasciviousXXX 08-12-2011 03:52 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1371456)
I need a better cutter, I

Buy a Palio. You'll never need another :tu

Its pretty much all I ever use.

Bill86 08-12-2011 04:00 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by irratebass (Post 1371456)
Nice post and I need a better cutter, I picked up a cheapy for $1.49 and I hate it, cuts at an angle. I was taught to cut then light, but after seeing the cigar aficionado's youtube on the 3 match light I really want to try this......seems it will make my smoke more enjoyable.

Other than that I'm pretty much following by the rules heh. Thanks again, lots to learn, and right now I'm a sponge.

I believe there was an entire thread about that 3 match thing. If I'm not mistaken the verdict was if you use good butane, there is/was no noticeable difference. Especially to make it worth spending several minutes to light a cigar.

irratebass 08-13-2011 06:29 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Thanks Ty'r will have to do some looking.

Bill I'm sure there was, I tried this technique with my new butane last night and it way too long and I ended up burning my finger a bit, :confused: I still want to try the 3 match trick.

lukemoney 09-29-2011 07:03 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
i use a zippo usually to light my cigars.. i have a butane but have not found easy way to fill the lighter to use.

Lonely Raven 10-03-2011 02:09 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by lukemoney (Post 1424813)
i use a zippo usually to light my cigars.. i have a butane but have not found easy way to fill the lighter to use.

Ugh, Zippo fuel tastes terrible. I wouldn't like a nice cigar with that.

This is a great thread.

I tried the 3 match thing using cedar spills. It took a while, and I swear the cigar had more woody taste to it, and seemed to not be as harsh as the one I had before it. It could (probably) just be that I was taking my time.

I guess I'm not doing too many bad things, seeing as how I've only been smoking cigars for about a month now. I figured the exhale through the nose thing on my own, seeing as how taste has to do with the still took me a while to figure out *how* to do it without swallowing smoke or inhaling. The first few times I wound up with an upset stomach and belching ashtray flavor...Ugh that was bad.

As for cutting, I'm finding I prefer the punch for everything with a smooth cap. The pigtails and the like I'm using a cheap $2.50 cutter. If I still with cigars, I'll probably pick up a nice boutique cutter. I'd also like to try one of those shurikin (sp?) cutters, but I'm not a cigar biter, so I don't think it will work with me.

Again, great thread!

Eros 04-04-2012 10:52 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
So I tried to do the nose exhale or retrohale (are they the same thing?) technique. I didn't notice too much of a difference. I had a Liga Privada Undercrown, a Padron Prinicpe, and an Ashton 898 and some others while on my spring break. These cigars are very different from each other I'm sure. But the only differences I noticed were burn characteristics and smoke output. Some VERY slight flavor pickups but that's it. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, and I am considering dropping the habit. If they all "taste" the same to me, then what's the point? I heard that I may be "clenching shut". But I don't exactly know what that means. Any pointers?

Pseudosacred 04-04-2012 11:05 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Do what I did. Put one cigar in one hand and one in the other. Smoke them both at the same time. No matter what sticks they are, you WILL notice the difference in the two.

While it may not be recommended by anyone else here, it definitely worked for me. I now know what to look for when comparing one cigar to another.

oooo35980 04-05-2012 01:29 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by Eros (Post 1608377)
So I tried to do the nose exhale or retrohale (are they the same thing?) technique. I didn't notice too much of a difference. I had a Liga Privada Undercrown, a Padron Prinicpe, and an Ashton 898 and some others while on my spring break. These cigars are very different from each other I'm sure. But the only differences I noticed were burn characteristics and smoke output. Some VERY slight flavor pickups but that's it. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, and I am considering dropping the habit. If they all "taste" the same to me, then what's the point? I heard that I may be "clenching shut". But I don't exactly know what that means. Any pointers?

It is possible that your cigars are dry or you are smoking too fast. Slow it down a bit, swish the smoke in your mouth, then retrohale.

Blak Smyth 04-05-2012 05:50 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by Eros (Post 1608377)
So I tried to do the nose exhale or retrohale (are they the same thing?) technique. I didn't notice too much of a difference. I had a Liga Privada Undercrown, a Padron Prinicpe, and an Ashton 898 and some others while on my spring break. These cigars are very different from each other I'm sure. But the only differences I noticed were burn characteristics and smoke output. Some VERY slight flavor pickups but that's it. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, and I am considering dropping the habit. If they all "taste" the same to me, then what's the point? I heard that I may be "clenching shut". But I don't exactly know what that means. Any pointers?

If you can't notice the difference, smoke the cheaper ones. :tu
Your palate will improve some over time.

SmokeyMtns 08-20-2012 12:56 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
This is a great thread! As others have already stated, I am going to have to try the nose exhale. Would not have connected the two, thank you!

ThePict 08-20-2012 11:21 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by scotch&stogies (Post 1366027)
I've been smoking cigars on and off for about 5 years and never did the nose exhale. When I read the OP it made a lot of sense that exhaling through my nose would be an important part of experiencing a cigar to the fullest.

With that in mind, I smoked an awesome Cohiba last evening and tried to exhale some of the smoke through my nose. I was definitely struggling with this and only had limited success. That being said, when it did work, I did notice the flavors of the cigar came to life on my palate.

I guess I need to keep working on my technique and hope I figure it out sooner rather than later. Any suggestions?

Tuck your chin up against your chest. It helps to open your sinuses and makes it easier to learn the habit.
Now, a word of caution! Take it easy at first. The smoke will feel strange running through your nasal cavities and, depending on the strength, can sting a bit. Remember this is for part of your exhale, not the entire puff. Take it easy and learn to enjoy the experience, or be like me ans overdo it at a herf the first time and spend a few minutes in the bathroom deciding if you want to revisit your last meal. A lovely fact that your very best friends will continue to remind you of for years and years to come. LOL :D

dozer 11-02-2012 12:22 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Wait...there is a technique to this??

socalguy75 11-02-2012 07:35 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Thanks for the info! As someone who is new"ish" to cigars, for me it made for good reading.

Neschis4sd 12-20-2012 07:05 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
For new to this its great info :):noon

Ryftt 05-22-2013 12:58 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Twas a good read, thanks!

baust55 10-13-2013 07:01 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Good info thanks for all the tips .


mikesr1963 01-28-2014 05:19 PM

Re: Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 25330)
Why do some folks light the cigar before cutting?

mikesr1963 01-28-2014 06:21 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Excellent original post.

alfredo_buscatti 02-13-2014 11:17 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
I've snorked only irregularly, but the tie between smell and taste is clearer to me now.

Moura 06-18-2014 07:50 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Great post, very useful!

bimmerguy82 09-18-2014 02:41 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Forgive my newbness, but in regards to exhaling through the nose, that obviously requires inhaling. I always thought cigars were just meant to be puffed in the mouth and back out? I have accidently inhaled a bit and almost died. Do you inhale just like smoking a cig/joint?;s

Dude Here 09-18-2014 04:53 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by bimmerguy82 (Post 1987363)
Forgive my newbness, but in regards to exhaling through the nose, that obviously requires inhaling. I always thought cigars were just meant to be puffed in the mouth and back out? I have accidently inhaled a bit and almost died. Do you inhale just like smoking a cig/joint?;s

The video here gives you a pretty clear rundown of snorking/retrohaling. No smoke actually enters your lungs, only passes through your sinuses. Try this with your next smoke:

1. Take a normal draw off the cigar.
2. Start to exhale out the smoke as you would normally
3. When there's just a little bit of smoke left to exhale close your mouth and finish exhaling through your nose. The smoke will have nowhere else to go but out through your sinuses.

Notice you never once inhaled any of the smoke into your lungs, only forced it out through your nasal passages. I smoked cigs for years before having my first cigar and even then there's no way I can/could inhale a draw from a cigar.

It's important to remember to only retrohale a small amount of smoke out when you're first learning this technique, otherwise you're gonna have an unpleasant experience. Also, don't overdo it with the retrohales. When I was first starting out with cigars I would retro almost every draw. While this made for a very flavorful first 1/3, my sinuses would be fried by the 1/2 way point and the stick would become pretty bland or one-dimensional.

bimmerguy82 09-18-2014 05:17 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Good info. Thanks:tu

pullins10 06-30-2015 06:35 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Great technique and adds to the enjoyment of every cigar

wonmotyme 08-17-2015 11:34 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Great info.

remdoc10 10-23-2015 09:08 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
I always wondered why I enjoyed the last little bit of the cigar the most. After reading this post I realized it is because it simultaneously stings the nostrils at that stage. Now I understand how to enjoy the rest of the cigar just as much with the slight nose exhale (for lack of a better term). Thank you!

AdamJoshua 10-23-2015 09:57 AM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique
Well hopefully it doesn't sting too much, retrohaling or snorking smoke and having it sting and make my eyes water is not that enjoyable to me. Of course I have a huge effing Jew nose so.... :sh

remdoc10 10-23-2015 12:05 PM

Re: Cigar Smoking Technique

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2058515)
Well hopefully it doesn't sting too much, retrohaling or snorking smoke and having it sting and make my eyes water is not that enjoyable to me. Of course I have a huge effing Jew nose so.... :sh

Haha.. no it doesn't literally sting, just smells great

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