View Full Version : Miley Cyrus Movie might tank??

04-19-2012, 01:06 PM
I am not sure which is more revelatory, so choose for yourself which one to read/view first. Here is the story
about how the new Miley Cyrus movie is not getting promoted. I would advise reading it before you watch the
trailer....or as much as you can stand before getting the gist of it.


I was on IMDB reading about something else and saw Miley laying on the bed with a smart phone looking moist,
so I thought, or rather my co(& thought, "let's take a look"....Never listen to your penis.

http://video-http.media-imdb.com/MV5BNjkzOTg1MTU1NV5BMTFeQW1wNF5BbWU3MDA2MTU2Njc@.m p4?Expires=1334894689&Signature=m9Uv4Ux6gXfkhAHS8Te~WJISgwOgyL-cHDWkZRLshW0ZOxW8ZVWHxPueQgNnkmyBkvZHPrAcz-nRE3UKpWTov4ztjple8EvQTaKM~CRXnmznebbfjVPeDoxWXpgp otDJfNQBlebJSFtPKrDcbSZls7~yZYi5mUJ53TDrv-H~kuI_&Key-Pair-Id=APKAILW5I44IHKUN2DYA&hint=flv

This kid is SOME actor. eh, I am feeling ill.

04-19-2012, 01:15 PM
I had to look up who Miley Cyrus was.

04-19-2012, 01:22 PM
Scary that I would do Demi before Miley. That Stewey Griffin head of hers is just too much.

(scarier that I would think I had a choice, lol.)

04-19-2012, 01:23 PM
I'm gonna go ahead and skip this suggestion and just take your word for it this time, Brad-man.

04-19-2012, 01:51 PM
Moves to #1 on my list!:pu:hn:bhd

04-19-2012, 02:04 PM
Scary that I would do Demi before Miley. That Stewey Griffin head of hers is just too much.

(scarier that I would think I had a choice, lol.)

put me in the middle of them!

05-15-2012, 09:54 PM
Good riddance.