View Full Version : Cafe Turquino

Mister Moo
11-23-2008, 08:27 AM
Bombed by persons unknown.

Into the kitchen. One finds a very fine grind right outta the vacuum-sealed bag labeled "Turquino." Muchas gracias, compadre.

Into the mokapot. Well packed. Highly pressurized. No leaks. No crema.

Into the cup. Sweetish, alone.

Into an Americano. Top up 3-oz. of moka'quino with 7-oz. of hot water. Add a teaspon of turbinado and some Half&Half. It is just delicious. As a slightly sweetened cafe-con-leche it goes down like a caramel dessert.

Mrs. Moo and the two offspring all wanted some so I broke out the giant mokapot and made it up this morning. Much gusto.


Mister Moo
03-10-2009, 12:22 PM

Last edited by icehog3; 03-08-2009 at 08:57 AM. Reason: Spam Boy

Jeepers. Thanks Tom. I FINALLY get a reply to one of my reviews and you delete it just because it was SPAM. Hell of a thing. Some of us are happy to get SPAM, you know?
