View Full Version : Coffee People: Jet Fuel

07-07-2010, 10:46 PM
For this particular review (my first review on this site ever) I will say that I drink this coffee from a K-Cup brewer.

I love this brew it has strength out the wazoo, and gives one enough buzz to stay up for an opening shift (hate my job...). Anyway I can tell you without a doubt this is not your average coffee, the espresso at my local coffee place doesn't have anything on it. That being said it has some subtle flavors that just endeer me. It's not too acrid, and has that great punch without being bitter. paired with some good dark chocolate and a Romeo y Julieta it is the ultimate post dinner treat.

With a great bold, and slightly nutty, flavor and a subtle creamy after taste that hints at some choclate I can honestly call this one of the best coffees in my whole collection. If you get the chance pick this brew up!

07-08-2010, 05:44 AM
One of my favorites.

07-08-2010, 11:32 AM
Does this come in any form beside the little cups?

07-08-2010, 11:48 AM
Does this come in any form beside the little cups?
Sadly no, though the same company has several whole bean blends, and having tried doughnut shop coffee and loved it, I can say that just about any blend by them is probably good. However from what I read the black tiger blend is even better than jet fuel and it comes whole bean.

07-08-2010, 11:52 AM
Coffee People, btw, was purchased by Starbucks a couple of years ago. You are buying Starbucks coffee under the CP label (still, I think that the roasting is to the CP recipe).

We aren't bitter that the best coffee in Portland was bought out by the evil empire, however.