View Full Version : Today I am a Disabled Veteran.

07-15-2009, 03:00 PM
After 8 years of service and months of headache with the VA, they returned their decision to award me benefits based off of my service related injuries.

I have been awarded a percentage which classifies me as a Disabled Veteran and gives me some useful tools at my disposal.

However, the VA is ****ing high with some of the stuff they did. I had right knee surgery as most know and the Doctor said the Arthritis inside it was caused by the injury, the VA said it was NOT service connected. That's total BS!

Also, my left AC separated a few years ago and since then my shoulder has never been the same. I can't do arm circles or push ups because my shoulder will dislocate. They said it was service related but awarded me 0% and may decide to evaluate it. Oh, they're going to evaluate it. I promise you that.

This is part sharing decent news and an angry rant. The VA sucks. I'm going to go write my rebuttal for my rating and get these other 2 things added. Thanks for listening.


SSgt (vet.) Darrell Mogg

The Poet
07-15-2009, 03:09 PM
Nothing new here, Darrell. My father died when I was nine, from jaundice contracted when he caught malaria during WWII. My older brother (now The Bird, ret.) was 13, my sister 12, and after my mother got through burying her husband she had three kids and $26. However, as this was 15 years after VJ Day, the VA said the condition was not related to his service, so no benefits. Often this nation does one lousy job of taking care of its own.

Sorry for your problems, but look on the bright side - you limp, but you're still walking around.

07-15-2009, 03:17 PM
Well at least its starting to head in the right direction. Hopefully you can get those other two things taken care of as well. The VA needs to quit trying to save a couple dollars...pennypinching just seems cheap on their part...

07-15-2009, 03:21 PM
If there is one thing that rots my bag, it is not taking care of your own who are injured while serving their frickin country. Keep at them Darrell .. hopefully they will come around.

07-15-2009, 03:27 PM
One option might be to retain an attorney like these guys:


07-15-2009, 03:37 PM
I'm sorry for your trouble Darrell, and for your injuries. I hope the VA takes care of you properly. But I do thank you for your service.

07-15-2009, 03:39 PM
You might try writing to your Congressmen (both Senator and Rep) requesting their assistance. These are the types of things we elect them for in the first place.

07-15-2009, 03:48 PM
Sorry for your troubles. But the good news is you can now get discounted hunting and fishing licenses in Alaska. :tu

07-15-2009, 03:55 PM
You may have already done this, but have you contacted your VSO for help?

The Poet
07-15-2009, 03:56 PM
Sorry for your troubles. But the good news is you can now get discounted hunting and fishing licenses in Alaska. :tu

(Insert Sarah Palin jokes here)

07-15-2009, 03:57 PM
Darrell - I hope that this finally gets resolved in your favor asap. It is terrible that so many vets get such a raw deal from our government.

07-15-2009, 03:58 PM
You may have already done this, but have you contacted your VSO for help?

Yes, I called them and the VA right after I got the letter. I have to write the dispute letter.

07-15-2009, 05:19 PM
I was going to say the same thing about getting an attorney and write your local congressman about your situation. The squeeky wheel gets the grease and you deserve whatever benefits you can get,,,,,you served therefore you deserve to get your benefits and then some. Good luck!

07-15-2009, 05:39 PM
Thoughts for a favorable outcome Darrell. Biting my lip as I am waiting for my VA disability claim to come back. Keep your head up and stay strong brother!! Good karma your way!!

07-15-2009, 06:17 PM
I give this rant a 2 on the Legend scale.

07-15-2009, 06:27 PM
Thanks for your service buddy. :tu I hope this works itself out for you.

07-15-2009, 06:32 PM
Kinda good news and bad news, hope everything works out for you bud.:tu

07-15-2009, 06:59 PM
Darrell, hope all goes in your favor.

And Grace does too. :)

07-15-2009, 07:02 PM
Best of Luck to You, Darrell!

07-15-2009, 07:04 PM
Darrell good luck with your continued battles with the VA. It is a shame that our Country has such a bad record with how they treat the men and woman who put their lives on the line to defend our Country after they are no longer useful to them anymore for that defending. Our Vet's should be given the highest level medical care and not have to be put through all the crap.

07-15-2009, 07:11 PM
Good luck Darrell. You are not likely to get much as far as % disabled, maybe 10%-15% if they give you anything, but you have got to get that knee classified as Service Related, as it will almost certainly give you troubles later in life.

07-15-2009, 07:14 PM
My brother has fought and is now at 20%!!! It took years of complaining!!!

Good luck Brother!!!:tu

07-15-2009, 07:16 PM
Hope this works out for you. The VA bureaucracy has been messing with my dad for a couple years as well.


07-15-2009, 07:41 PM

And while I've never served I've spent a lot of time in the VA office with my roommate trying to get his disabuility paid for

Smokin Gator
07-15-2009, 07:42 PM
I know absolutely nothing about any of this... but you know I hope it works out for you. Keep after them brother.

07-15-2009, 07:43 PM
Good luck Darrell. You are not likely to get much as far as % disabled, maybe 10%-15% if they give you anything, but you have got to get that knee classified as Service Related, as it will almost certainly give you troubles later in life.

Considering I'm at 30% right now, MCPO -- it can only go UP. :)

07-15-2009, 07:48 PM
Praying that everything will work out in your favor, my friend.

Your service is a blessing to all of us. :tu

07-15-2009, 08:00 PM
good luck darrell

07-15-2009, 10:00 PM
Thanks for all the kind words guys, I appreciate it. :tu

Sr Mike
07-15-2009, 10:06 PM
Don't let them find out Pnoon has been whipping you...

07-15-2009, 10:11 PM
Don't let them find out Pnoon has been whipping you...

You funny guy, Mike.

Actually, Darrel, tell them I :pn'd you. That should get you FULL disability. Just ask any of the S.H.I.T.ers. :D

I hope things work out for you, D.

07-15-2009, 10:17 PM
Don't let them find out Pnoon has been whipping you...

That's not service related, just pleasure related.

I KEED! :r